Page 51 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 51

International Conference on "Risk Management
   in Insurance and Banking Industry: Issues,
            Challenges and Opportunities"

At Amity School of Insurance, Banking & Actuarial Science (ASIBAS), Amity University, Noida

                                                                 Prof. Anupam Suri welcomed all the distinguished guests and
                                                                 the delegates. Thereafter, Prof. R. R. Grover, Director,
                                                                 ASIBAS succinctly broached the theme of the conference -
                                                                 "Risk Management in Insurance Industry: Issues, Challenges
                                                                 & Opportunities". Prof. Grover touched upon nuances of risk
                                                                 management in his usual inimitable manner.

                                                                 In his key note address, Mr. Niraj Kumar, General Manager,
                                                                 The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. placed emphasis on the in-
                                                                 creased need of risk management in all spheres of life with a
                                                                 view to keeping abreast with the fast changes taking place
                                                                 all over the world.

A mity School of Insurance, Banking, and Actu-                   Mr. Yogesh Lohiya in his inaugural address dwelt upon exten-
               arial Science of Amity University, Noida had or-  sively on the challenges being faced in view of newer risks
               ganized an International Conference on Risk       including climate change, war threats, etc. "There is need
               Management in Insurance and Banking Indus-        for increased coordination between the finance and techni-
               try at their sprawling campus in Noida. The con-  cal departments of insurance organizations. The time has
ference spanning over a period of two days between 21st          come for organizations to pay more attention to environ-
January and 22nd January, 2016, saw senior and experienced       mental, financial and operational risks", added Mr. Lohia.
professionals from both insurance and banking industry dis-
cussing and debating issues of current relevance and ensuing     Mr. Anuraag Sundar, Director, Price Water Cooper (PWC)
ramification with reference to the theme of the conference.      spoke at length about Cyber Insurance and its significance
                                                                 the world over. In his address, he threw light on the PWC's
The first day of the conference was devoted to risk manage-      Annual Global Survey of Insurance CEOs. He signed off by
ment in insurance industry and the second day to banking         mentioning that most CEOs around the world have been in-
industry. There was an inaugural session followed by three       creasingly focusing on resources, growth, innovation, and
technical sessions.                                              regulations.

Inaugural session:                                               Dr. Gurinder Singh, Group Additional Vice Chancellor, Amity
                                                                 University thanked Prof. R. R. Grover for choosing Risk Man-
The inaugural Session on 21st January kicked off amidst great    agement as the theme of the conference.Dr. Singh felt that
fanfare with the traditional invocation of Saraswati Vandana     the topic chosen was very apt and quite in tune with the
in the presence of chief guest Mr. Yogesh Lohiya, MD & CEO,      demands of the current scenario.
IFFCO TOKIO General Insurance Co. Ltd, Mr. Anuraag Sundar,
Director, Price Water Cooper (PWC) and Mr. Niraj Kumar,          Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity Univer-
GM, The Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd.                              sity thanked all the distinguished dignitaries and delegates of

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