Page 47 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
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III Updates

Part time one year PG Diploma in
            Health Insurance

Jointly offered by Department of                               data analytics, fraud prevention and the functioning of Third
Economics (Autonomous), University of                          Party Administrators.
Mumbai & III
                                                               Continuous assignments and a Research Project are also built
The Department of Economics (Autonomous) of the                into the Course to provide value to both young graduates
University of Mumbai & the Insurance Institute of India (III)  seeking a career in the Health Insurance sector and working
have jointly been offering a Part time One year career         professionals for their professional advancement. The course
oriented course "Post Graduate Diploma in Health               has been designed to create a cache of professionals who
Insurance" (PGDHI) from the academic year 2013-14              can work in multiple areas in the sunrise sector of health
onwards.                                                       insurance.

Recognizing the importance of this course to the insurance     For details please log on to
industry, the General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC Re) / /
has come forward to sponsor the full course fees of few
deserving students through their Scholarship Scheme "GIC
RE-III Vima Vidya Visharad".                                   Please feel free to write to, or
                                                      for any query or contact numbers: 022-
The Department of Economics (Autonomous) of the                26544284/281
University of Mumbai & the Insurance Institute of India (III)
announces the 4th batch (Academic Year 2016-17) of the         Important Dates for Offline Examination
Part time One year "Post Graduate Diploma in Health            schedule for May - 2016
Insurance" and invite applications from meritorious and
needy candidates.                                              Sr. Description                     May - 2016
                                                               No.                                 Dates
The PGDHI Course is conducted in a classroom mode on
week-ends across two semesters in the College of Insurance     1 Registration & Enrollment starts 01/02/2016
(the training arm of III) campus at Bandra-Kurla Complex.             from
The faculty includes Health Insurance experts drawn from
the industry, Medical Practitioners and academia from the      2 Last Date for enrollment of papers 28/02/2016
Mumbai University. On successful completion of the Course,            and application for claiming
the Diploma will be awarded by the Department of                      exemption
Economics (Autonomous), University of Mumbai.
                                                               3 Last date for Withdrawal from     10/03/2016
The course takes the participants through all the aspects of          Examinations under
Health Insurance, including health economics, product                 Regulation 11 ( c )
development, rating, risk evaluation, human anatomy,
diagnostics, underwriting, claims processing, appreciation of  4 Last Date for enrollment by all   20/03/2016

                                                               candidates with Late Fees Rs.500/-

                                                               for every request (only through


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