Page 44 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 44

Life Insurance Plan

                                                          Whole Life Savings
                                                          Insurance Plan

                                                          from IDBI Federal Life Insurance Co Ltd

IDBI Federal Lifesurance Whole Life       death benefit. This includes, death sum assured, vested guaranteed additions,
Savings Insurance Plan is a non-linked    accrued bonuses, if any.
participating whole life savings plan. A
plan that give 2 lump sum payouts;        Also, in case of unfortunate death due to an accident during PPT and if
first at the end of the premium pay-      'Accidental Death Benefit (ADB)' has been opted for, the family gets an addi-
ment term and second when one             tional amount equal to the guaranteed sum assured. This is in addition to the
reaches 100 years of age. Plus, it keeps  death benefit payable. The ADB is subject to a maximum limit of Rs 50 lac on
the family financially secured through-   a single life across all policies issued by IDBI Federal.
out the period of 100 years.
                                          However, in case something happens after the end of PPT and before reaching
Why Lifesurance Whole                     100 years of age, the family gets a death benefit.
Life Savings Insurance
Plan?                                     Also, if you live till 100 years of your age, you get another payout.

 Life cover up to 100 years of age       Eligibility:

 Lump sum payout at the end of           Criteria        Minimum            Maximum
     Premium Payment Term (PPT)
                                          Age at entry 18 years              o 55 years (Subject to a maximum age
 Additional lump sum payout when
     you reach 100 years of age                                              at the end of PPT being 75 years for

 Guaranteed additions and bonuses                                           cover without Accidental Death Benefit)
     to boost savings
                                                                             o 53 years (Subject to a maximum age
 Option of Accidental Death Ben-
     efit during PPT                                                         at the end of PPT being 65 years for

How does Lifesurance                                                         cover with Accidental Death benefit)
Whole Life Insurance Plan
work?                                     Age at maturity 100 years

One has to pay premiums regularly for     Premium         12 years           30 years
the chosen PPT.
                                          payment term
On survival till the end of the PPT, the
person gets a lump sum amount which       Premium pay- Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly
includes, guaranteed sum assured,
vested guaranteed additions, accrued      ment frequency
bonuses, if any.
                                          Modal frequency 0.51 for half yearly, 0.26 for quarterly and 0.09 for monthly
However, in case something happens
during the PPT, the family gets the       factor          mode

                                          Premium         Rs. 10,000 per No limit subject to underwriting

                                          (exclusive of   annum for all approval

                                          service tax and modes except

                                          education cess) for monthly

                                          Rs 12,000 per mode

                                          annum for

                                          monthly mode

                                          Guaranteed Sum Depending on No limit subject to underwriting

                                          Assured         age at entry approval

                                                          and premium

                                                          payment term

                                          All ages are as per last birthday

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