Page 39 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 39
“Further we are focusing More awareness in the construction industry about Risk“
and Disaster Management will help to reduce the impact
on few more priorities
of Disaster Manage- and intensity of disaster.
ment, Rain Water har-
vesting, Smart Cities
project and Road Rapid Transportation System. neering education and recommend the same to
educational authorities / institutions.
Q. IEI has five fora namely National Design & Sustainable Development Forum (SDF)
Research Forum (NDRF), Water Management Based in Patna, the Forum was established for ex-
Forum (WMF), Safety and Quality Forum pression of authoritative views on technologies for
(SQF), Sustainable Development Forum (SDF) sustainable development and for enunciating prac-
and Rural Development Forum (RDF). How tical solutions to the problems faced in India. The
such associations have been helping IEI to purpose of the Forum is to undertake activities to
fulfil the objectives? Can you share some of prevent, abate and control pollution and to protect,
the key outcomes of these partnerships? regenerate and improve environment and conserve
and enrich energy.
Ans: ESCI - the Autonomous Organ of IEI located at
Hyderabad, it is the country's premier professional Rural Development Forum (RDF)
organization, imparting continuing education for Located in Kolkata, it aims to promote and advance
engineers and managers in the Engineering profes- the science and practice of engineering for rural
sion. It is constantly endeavouring to leverage its development, to increase the awareness of rural
activities through continuous Professional Develop- population regarding drinking water, sanitation, use
ment Programmes (CPDP), Specific Training of proper fertilizers and non-conventional energy
Programmes (STP), Consultancy Services and Applied etc. The Forum also promotes the transfer of ben-
Research with increase emphasis by exploring new efits of science and technology in rural areas at low
avenues. cost.
National Design & Research Forum (NDRF) Q. IEI also has worldwide bilateral agreements
Based in Bangalore, National Design and Research with other professional societies such as
Forum (NDRF) promotes Research, Design, Devel- World Federation of Engineering
opment, Productization, and Innovation through col- Organisations (WFEO) and Commonwealth
laborative effort. It anchors inter-disciplinary tech- Engineers' Council (CEC) among others. Can
nological research in many engineering disciplines
including for societal applications, and plays a major you comment on such alliances?
role in deploying engineering and technology ser- Ans: IEI, as a member of the International Professional
vices, systems, and solutions for nation building. Engineer Agreement - one of the six international
Water Management Forum (WMF) agreements under IEA with its headquarters in
Based in Ahmedabad, it works on Water-related Wellington (New Zealand), is continuing with the
issues and promote awareness on water manage- certification of the Professional Engineers in India
ment, conservation etc. It also encourages develop- and maintaining the Indian Register of International
ment and propagation of computer programmes Professional Engineers (IntPEs).
for development, conservation and management of As a member of WFEO headquartered in Paris
water resources. (France), IEI is hosting the WFEO Committee on
Safety & Quality Forum (SQF) 'Engineering for Innovative Technologies (WFEO-
Based in Delhi, it constitutes to promote safe and CEIT)’ - one of the 10 Standing Committees of WFEO
qualitataive measures in every aspect of engineer- - since 2011 and prior to that, IEI was hosting an-
ing and related fields. The objectives of the Forum other Committee of WFEO, the Committee on 'En-
is to develop courses, syllabi and course materials gineering and Environment (WFEO-CEE)’. Presently,
for 'Safety Engineering', 'Quality Management' and Mr S S Rathore, Past President, IEI holds the posi-
'Reliability Engineering' for different levels of engi- tion of Vice President of WFEO.
The Insurance Times, March 2016 39