Page 41 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 41

Q. In the present Construction Industry Scenario               allowed by political considerations. Engineers and

with acute shortage of skilled resources, has                  planners alone shall play the role.

IEI planned any special measures?                              We are taking active part in ‘Make in India’ Cam-

Ans: In the diversified nature of level of development in      paign, ‘Smart Cities Project’ and various other

the country, the engineers have to work from con-              schemes of Government to play an active role to

struction of rural roads to manufacturing of space-            build world class structures.

ship to Mars. And both are equally important for

the accelerating development of the country. There Q. Instances of Earthquake are increasing and

is no scope to undermine the skill and knowledge of            many regions in India are highly prone to

the engineering graduates of our country. It is a              earthquake. Our existing infrastructure may

matter of pride that Indian engineers, whether they            not sustain high intensity earthquakes. What
are working in the country or outside, are a force
                                                               role do you think Engineers can play to be
to reckon with globally.
                                                               better prepared?
However, that does not mean that pursuit for self-
enrichment will not be perceived. To produce more Ans: Engineers are playing an active role in creating
                                                               awareness and developing skilled engineers for con-
and more engineering and technical personnel from
                                                               structing Earthquake proof structures. In big com-
India to take on the global challenges IEI has joined
                                                               plexes these rules are followed invariably. But still,
the Skill India initiative of Narendra Modi vision to
                                                               since we are sitting on Earthquake prone zone a
create a pool of skilled engineers and technicians.
                                                               major disaster can have severe and long term im-
Q. Recent flood in Chennai and other natural
                                                               pact. We must be prepared for it. More awareness

disasters has exposed the loopholes in town                    in the construction industry about Risk and Disaster

planning, unplanned construction and lack of                   Management will help to reduce the impact and

Government policy. IEI can play a construc-                    intensity of disaster.

       tive role at the highest level by advising          Q.  With increasing competition and client
       policymakers to follow required guidelines.             awareness, Engineers face the risk of Pro-
       Share your views on this.                               fessional Liability. Have your Institution made
                                                               any efforts to create awareness among
Ans: Yes, the flood in Chennai has exposed the loopholes       members to protect themselves.
        in our town planning and lack of concrete policy
        towards planned development of cities. Chennai

disaster must act as a warning to the politicians Ans: Right now we have not planned anything in this

that technocrats can alone make the plan for sus-              area but it is a good suggestion and we shall work

tained development and no short cut should be                  upon it.

   Impact of Rail Budget on Travel Insurance

         By Mr. M Ravichandran, President - Insurance, TATA AIG General Insurance

"The announcement made at the Railway Budget is highly appreciated by Tata AIG. Presently the Indian domestic travel
                         insurance market is about 8 -10 percent of the total travel insurance market of INR 500 cr. Of the
                         current domestic travel insurance market the major chuck is generated from the airline sector.
                         Hence, this move will only help to increase the penetration of travel insurance in India, through the
                         railway sector.

                         People using the rail route to travel to various destinations in India are equally susceptible to acci-
                         dents and other problems, similar to any kind of long distance travel by any other mode of transport.
                         Hence taking a travel insurance while booking a rail journey would highly benefit rail travelers. As a
General Insurance company we at Tata AIG are already offering Domestic Travel Insurance products for Rail and Air
passengers travelling within India and our policy offers coverage for trip cancellation, accidental death, accidental medi-
cal expenses, accommodation charges due to trip delay and emergency medical evacuation benefits."

                                                                         The Insurance Times, March 2016 41
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