Page 46 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 46
noted that considering his pay package, a daily benefit of Complaint No: IO/KCH/GI/11-004-223/2012-13
Rs. 10,500/- per day was not compatible. Jose J Ponnezath
CASE NO. GIC/ 156/OIC/11/14
Anju Gupta United India Insurance Co. Ltd
Facts: The complainant had taken Individual Personal Ac-
Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.
cident policy from the Respondent Insurer. On 04.10.2010,
Facts: Personal Accident insurance was obtained by the while removing some packets from his car, he slipped and
suffered injury to his vertebrae. He underwent treatment
complainant's husband for a period from 09.10.2012 to and on the advice of the doctor he took bed-rest till
08.10.2013. Unfortunately, he died in a road accident and 01.11.2010.His claim for compensation for Temporary To-
a claim for a payment of Rs. 22,25,000/- was settled for tal Disablement was repudiated by the Insurer on the
Rs. 19,25,000/- by the Company. Hence, feeling aggrieved, ground that the injury was not the result of an accident.
she had approached this office for a release of the addi-
tional payment amounting to Rs. 3,00,000/-. Findings: The complainant submitted that while lifting
Findings: The Complainant informed that during process- weight from the car, he slipped and as a result, he suffered
severe low back pain. Prior to the accident on 03.10.2010,
ing of the claim, Company had demanded old policies from he had not suffered low back pain and was not having any
her, whereas she was not aware and the requisitioned docu- disc problem. The repudiation of the claim is without any
ments couldn't be traced at home. The representative of justification.
the company explained that Personal Accident policy record
of insured was available in the office from 2006 onwards. The claim is to be allowed. The insurer submitted that MRI
Thus, a claim settlement was made on the basis of avail- taken on the advice of the treating Doctor would reveal
able record for the confirmed amount of Rs. 19,25,000/- annular bulges and degenerative changes. Disc prolapsed was
only. Therefore, the complainant was requested to provide due to degenerative changes on account of disease and not
policies prior to 2006 to verify admissibility of additional on account of any accident. Therefore, the claim was rightly
amount towards cumulative bonus, earned if any. However, repudiated by them based on the policy conditions.
in the absence of the requisite documents, additional
amount of Rs. 3,00,000/- was not considered for payment Decision: The content of this Medical Report was not
by the Company.
taken into consideration by the Insurer while repudiating
Decision: It was held that company's decision to with-hold the claim. The contents of the Medical Report over shad-
ows the contents of the MRI Report relied on by the in-
release of an additional payment of Rs. 3,00,000/-, pend- surer which showed that there is sufficient medical evi-
ing production of old policy record by the widow of the dence in this case that the complainant suffered disc pro-
insured was unjustified. Since coverage for an accidental lapsed as a result of an accident.
death for Rs. 22,25,000/- was clearly mentioned on the face
of the policy, onus for ascertaining the correct coverage lied Therefore, Clause 1 of the policy conditions is attracted. The
on the Company. Therefore, demand for old policies and complainant was bed-ridden and was not in a position to
consequent denial of additional amount owing to failure to engage in any work and earn income. So, the disablement
provide the same, was undesirable. Accordingly, directions was total but temporary in nature. Therefore, Clause 1(f)
were given for the release of an additional payment of is attracted in this case. As a result, an award is passed di-
Rs.3,00,000/-. recting the Insurer to pay compensation of Rs.20,000/- to
the complainant within the prescribed period, failing which,
the amount payable shall carry interest at 9% per annum
from the date of filing of the complaint till payment is ef-
fected. No cost.
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46 The Insurance Times, March 2016