Page 43 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 43

 The Insured should have been admitted as an inpatient     New rules for acquiring a passport
     (outpatient treatments are not to be considered).
                                                            The ministry of external affairs has recently changed some
 The Hospitalisation should be for an Injury or Illness.   of the passport rules to ease out stress of the applicant.
                                                            The rules are:
 Pre-Hospitalisation and Post-Hospitalisation expenses
     will not be considered.                                Normal passport before police verification

Brief of coverage                                           The new rule says people applying for a passport for the
                                                            first time under "Normal" category can get their passport
Hospitalisation Expenses,                                   without police verification if they submit the following
 Room Rent, boarding and nursing expenses actually         documents while appearing for an interview at the
                                                            Passport Seva Kendra:
     incurred subject to a cap of Rs. 5000 per day for Rs.  o Aadhaar card
     5,00,000 Threshold and Rs. 8000 per day for Rs.
     8,00,000 Threshold                                     o PAN card

 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) / Intensive Cardiac Care Unit   o EPIC (electoral photo identity card)
     (ICCU) expenses actually incurred subject to a cap of
     Rs. 10,000 per day for Rs. 5,00,000 Threshold and Rs.  o An affidavit in form of Annexure I (format available
     16,000 per day for Rs. 8,00,000 Threshold                   on

 Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner,              "The Aadhaar database has been linked to the passport
     Consultants, Specialists Fees                          database. The moment an applicant submits his/her
                                                            Aadhaar details, the passport department can verify
 Hospitalization expenses (excluding cost of organ)        them," a ministry official said.
     incurred on the donor during the course of organ
     transplant to the insured person.                      Of the three identity documents, only the Aadhaar can
                                                            be verified on the Internet in real time.
 Get Well Benefit of Rs. 5000 for Rs. 5,00,000 Threshold
     and Rs. 8000 for Rs. 8,00,000 Threshold, will be paid  Earlier, people applying for a normal passport would have
     for Any One Illness.                                   to wait for the police to carry out a physical verification
                                                            of their address and check their crime record, if any.
 Ambulance service expenses actually incurred subject
     to cap of Rs. 5000 for Rs. 5,00,000 Threshold and Rs.  It means the police will conduct a verification after the
     8000 for Rs. 8,00,000 Threshold.                       passport is issued (as in the case of a Tatkal passport). This
                                                            will save an applicant at least a month that the cops
 Payment of any claim relating to Cataract for each        usually take to file a report.
     eye shall not exceed Rs.50,000/- etc.
                                                            Booking an appointment

                                                            The new rule states an applicant will get to choose from
                                                            a list of five dates available at the earliest. On clicking
                                                            the "book an appointment" option, a calendar pops out
                                                            offering the next five available dates the applicant can
                                                            choose from.

                                                            In the past, the date of appointment was generated by
                                                            the system based on availability but the applicant did not
                                                            have any say in choosing a date. Although there was an
                                                            option to change the date of appointment, the new date
                                                            generated would again be chosen by the system.

                                                            It means applicants from now can choose the date on
                                                            which they wish to appear for the interview at the
                                                            Passport Seva Kendra. The time of appointment, however,
                                                            is still generated by the system.

                                                            The Insurance Times, March 2016 43
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