Page 42 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 42

Non-Life Insurance Plan

New India Top Up

from The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Salient features of the policy                                  There is no cover ceasing age in case of renewal.

This Policy covers In-Patient Hospitalisation Expenses          Children between the age of 3 months and 18 years
incurred in India. This policy will respond only when the           are covered provided either or both parents are
aggregate of all Hospitalisation expenses (except Pre /             covered concurrently.
Post hospitalization expenses) of one or all members of the
policy, exceeds the "Threshold" stated in the policy.           Children between the age of 18 years and 25 years
                                                                    are covered only if either or both the parents are also
This Policy will respond for each and every Hospitalisation         covered and they are financially dependent on the
after the Threshold has been exceeded by previous                   parents.
Hospitalisation expenses subject only to the Sum Insured
stated in the Policy.                                          Sum insured

                                                               The Sum Insured available are:

Thus, this Policy offers protection in excess of any Primary Coverage Type  Sum Insured  Threshold
                                                                               5,00,000   5,00,000
Health Policy/Benefit scheme that the Insured may have.        A

If there is any expense in excess of Threshold, receivable     B            10,00,000    5,00,000
from any other entity, the Insured Person has an option to     C            15,00,000    5,00,000
recover it from either that entity or this policy, but not     D                         8,00,000
both.                                                          E             7,00,000    8,00,000
                                                               F            12,00,000    8,00,000
However, the Sum Insured under the policy will be available    G            17,00,000    8,00,000
over and above any reimbursement received from any                          22,00,000
other entity if such amounts exceed the Threshold.

Eligibility                                                    Proposers are advised to exercise care in choosing the
                                                               amount of Threshold, as such choice will have an impact
The policy can be issued on Individual or Floater Sum Insured  on benefits available under the Policy such as Room Rent
basis covering up to 6 members of the family. If the policy    limit, Hospital Cash, Ambulance Charges, and Get Well
is to be issued on Individual Sum Insured basis, then          Benefit.
separate document will be issued to each Insured. Family
comprises of Self, Legal Spouse, dependent Children and        Thresholds
dependent Parents.
                                                               The following Hospitalisation expenses incurred in respect
Age of Entry                                                   of all the Insured members shall be considered for
                                                               determining the Threshold under the Policy:
 Proposer: 18 to 65 years.                                     The admission in the Hospital should have happened

 Other members: 3 month to 65 years.                               during the policy period.

42 The Insurance Times, March 2016
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