Page 36 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 36


Introduction to Arbitration in Marine                      4) The Washington Convention of 1965
Cargo Insurance                                            5) The UNITRAL Model Law for Arbitration
                                                           6) The UNITRAL Rules for Arbitration
"Arbitration" is a system whereby a dispute is resolved
outside the Courts where the parties to the dispute refer  In view of the desirability of uniformity of the Law of Arbitral
to one or more persons (who are called Arbitrators) and    procedures and the specific needs of International
agres to abide by the decision of the arbitrator(s).       Commercial Arbitration practice, The United Nations
                                                           General Assembly recommended that all Countries give due
Historically, it is seen that the United States and Great  consideration to the Model Law on International Arbitration
Britain are pioneers of this "Arbitration" mechanism. The  of UNCITRAL.
famous "Treaty of Wasington-1872" between United States
and Britain in connection with Alabama claims paved the    The preamble of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
path for International Arbitration and was forerunner of   passed by Government of India refers to the
"Hague Convention", "the League of Nations" and "the       recommendations of the General Assembly of United
World Court" etc.                                          Nations about the UNCITRAL Model Law of International
                                                           Commercial Arbitration of 1985.
Some of the International Agreements :
                                                           Most of the Insurance Policies covering properties do have
1) The Geneva Protocol of 1923                             an "Arbitration Clause" whereby any dispute about the
2) The Geneva Convention of 1927                           quantum of loss is submitted to Arbitration (Liability being
3) The European Convention of 1961                         otherwise admitted).

             About the author                              An 'Arbitration Clause' is incorporated in some of the
                                                           Liability policies.
 R. Hanumantha Sarma
                                                           Though all disputes can be resolved through Arbitration as
 Principle Officer                                         per the "Model Law on International Commerical
 Optimum Insurance Broking Services Pvt. Ltd.,             Arbitration" of United Nations Commission on International

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