Page 34 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 34
The petitioner alleged in the writ petition that these to places outside the State of Madhya Pradesh and
accidents have taken place on account of the explosion of accidents are alleged to have taken place in some of these
explosive materials and ammunitions and that in such establishments. Rule of law further mandates that the law
accidents property worth several crores has been lost. The made by the Parliament and the rules made thereunder for
petitioner stated that such accident posed a serious threat safety and for compensation for loss of life and property due
to the life and property of the public and his contention was to accident are duly observed. The Hon'ble Court, therefore,
to cover the risk to the public from such hazardous activities did not dismiss the writ petition.
carried on in the Ordnance Factories and Depots, through
proper Public Liability Insurance policy as per the provisions Case Study 2; New India Assurance Co. Ltd. vs
in the Public Liability Insurance Act 1991 and the Rules Biman Prasad Barkakati And Ors. (2008)
1991 to ensure safety for the public and for furnishing of
information to the Central Government; but these The gas tanker (Reg No NLW-337) was insured with the
provisions of law are not being complied with by the appellant, the New India Assurance Company Ltd. The
respondents. The petitioner therefore, prayed for accident took place on 1.11.98 at Khanapara, Guwahati
appropriate writs /directions to the respondents to ensure when the said gas tanker loaded with inflammable materials
compliance with the said provisions of law. suddenly burst and the inflammable splinters spreader from
the offending gas tanker flew towards the veterinary college
At the hearing of the writ petition, the learned senior hostel campus and struck the students who were in the
counsel appearing for the respondents raised an objection hostel campus and others resulting in burning injuries.
saying that the writ petition was not filed by the petitioner
in the public interest but for oblique motive to settle his The claimants filed the claim cases claiming compensation
personal scores. He submitted that the petitioner was under Section 166 and 140 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988
working as Charge-man Grade II in the respondent No. 3 before the Motor Accident Claim Tribunal, Kamrup,
Vehicle Factory, Jabalpur, and a disciplinary proceeding was Guwahati against the appellant insurance company and the
initiated against him and a penalty of compulsory owner of the offending vehicle i.e. the gas tanker having
retirement was imposed on him with effect from 27-11- registration No. NLW-337. The learned tribunal passed
2001. He submitted that after his compulsory retirement, order dated 12.7.2000 holding that the benefit of no fault
the petitioner filed this petition on unsubstantiated liability should be available to the claimants and accordingly
allegations and frivolous grounds on account of personal directed to make payment of no fault liability of Rs. 50,000/-
grudge. The petitioner, on the other hand, submitted that in the case of the death of the victim and no order was
he filed the PIL bona fide to ensure the safety of public passed for payment in the case of injuries.
through compliance of the Public Liability Insurance Act
1991 and Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Against the said order dated 12.7.2000 passed in MAC No.
Chemical Rules 1989 by the respondents. 450/99, MAC No. 12/99, MAC No. 827/99, MAC No. 693/99,
MAC No. 339/99 and 400/2000, the appellant insurance
The Hon'ble Court considered the aforesaid submissions company filed civil revision petitions being CRP No. 369/2000,
made by the petitioner and the learned counsel of the
respondents and observed that the Court should not go into
the allegations made by the petitioner which are disputed
by the respondents in the PIL. But with a view to ensure
that public safety is not in jeopardy, the Court must inquire
and decide whether the provisions of the PLI Act1991 and
the Rules 1991 were duly complied with by the respondents.
The exercise by the Court in this PIL was all the more
necessary considering the fact that the life and property of
the public are in great danger on account of use of explosive
materials in the establishments of the respondent and
during transportation and storage of arms and ammunitions
34 The Insurance Times, March 2016