Page 33 - Insurance Times March 2016 Sample
P. 33
Major Industrial Accidents in India; List of accidents in Ordnance Factories in and
around MP during from 1988 to 2002
Apart from Bhopal Gas Tragedy in 1984 where thousands
of people were injured or killed there are many more 1) March 1988; Central Ordnance Depot, Jabalpur.
chemical explosions and accidents which required PLI
Insurance for managing liability risks. Following are few such 2) November, 1992; Ordnance Factory, Itarsi.
3) January, 1993; Ordnance Factory, Khamariya.
Yr Industry and place People Nature of 4) August, 2001 Central Ordnance Depot, Jabalpur.
Affected Accident
5) October 2001; Ordnance Factory, Khamariya.
Dec. 1985 Sree Ram food & 502 Oleum 6) November 2001; Ordnance Factory, Itarsi.
Firtilizers, Delhi Gas Leak
7) January 2002; Ordnance Factory, Khamariya.
July,1987 Bhorari Industrial 420 Sulphur 8) April 2002; Ordnance Factory, Khamariya.
Area, Pune Trioxide
leak 9) September 2002; Ordnance Factory, Khamariya.
June 1987 Industry in 4 Amonia Case Studies on Public Liability Insurance
Gas leak (Act Policy)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa
There are many case studies done till now on PLI. Here
Nov.1987 Industry in 5000 Oleum some case studies have been briefly discussed to highlight
Gas Leak the need and scope of Public Liability Insurance under PLI
Ahmedabad, Gujrat Act 1991.
May 1988 Industry in 72 Acid Case Study No.1; Gyan Prakash vs General
tanker Manager, Ordnance Factories (2006)
Ahmedabad, Gujrat overturned
The petitioner who was the Founder of the Forum for Traffic
Oct.1989 Industry in Ganjam, 106 Chlorium Safety and Environmental Sanitation has alleged that a
Orissa gas number of fire accidents occurred in the Ordnance Factories
in the State of Madhya Pradesh. He also alleged that several
Nov.1990 Indian Petro Chemical 85 Explosion in accidents also took place during storage and transportation
Ltd,Maharashtra gas plant of arms and ammunition from the Ordnance Factories. As
a result of such accidents occurred in the Ordnance
Nov.1991 Gwalior Rayon & 109 Chemical Factories in various places of MP during the period from
Silk M.P Explosion 1988 to 2002, which were described in the Writ Petition,
there were huge losses of life and property in the state.
Nov.1991 Dhanu,Maharastra 119 Chemical
Aprl 1992 Nayabazar, Delhi 12 Chemical
Sept 1992 National Fertilizer 22 Ammonia
gas leak
May 1993 Century Rayon, 134 Sulphuric
Maharastra Acid Leak
Oct 1994 Jhansi, UP 85 Chemical
Further study shows that several accidents took place during
storage and transportation of arms and ammunition from
the said Ordnance Factories in various places in the State
of Madhya Pradesh. Such accidents, caused huge losses to
life and property. Some of these accidents are mentioned
below along with one case study thereupon briefed
hereinafter (Ref. Google; Internet)
The Insurance Times, March 2016 33