Page 18 - Insurance Times November 2018
P. 18
people ith a lon term mental health ondition in the UK o t ome or all and ltimately impro e the laim
all o t o ork e ery year t et o t a erie o mental e perien e
health ore tandard a rame ork o a tion hi h the
a thor ay all or ani ation ho ld e a le to a hie e n ran e plan an i e employer a e to e perti e in
reha ilitation hi h ltimately ene it oth employee and
Tho o
rod in implementin and omm ni atin a mental
orkpla e reha ilitation i aimed at indin ay to ena le
health at ork plan
employee to retain their al a le ork kill and ret rn to
e elopin mental health a arene amon employee
the o they had e ore their illne or in ry or to a
n o ra in open on er ation a o t mental health ita le o that e their e perti e
and the pport a aila le hen people are tr lin
ell a en rin that al a le kill and per onnel are not
ro idin employee ith ood orkin ondition and
lo t reha ilitation an help to keep laim o t do n y
en rin they ha e a healthy ork li e alan e and
ena lin a peedy and a e ret rn to ork
opport nitie or de elopment
ro idin e e ti e people mana ement thro h line
eha ilitation pro ider an pro ide employee ith a e
mana er and per i or and
to online and di ital er i e that ena le them to a e
o tinely monitorin employee mental health and therapy itho t the per ei ed ti ma atta hed to attendin
ell ein a lini or peakin to omeone in per on i they i h
he report hi h dre hea ily pon eloitte indin
t t p
re ommended that employer ho ld ri k a e and
he te en on armer report prai ed the e ort o the
mana e ork related mental health the ame ay that they
many UK employer that are already makin reat tride
o ld ork related phy i al ill health
to mana e and addre mental health i e in the
orkpla e
nd eloitte report ar e that employer ho ld in e t
oth re ommended that all employer an and ho ld
more in mental health inter ention to pport indi id al
do more to p t into pla e a erie o enhan ed tandard
ith mental health ondition
Tho o o
nter ention an prod e ood ret rn on in e tment
n rea e tran paren y and a o nta ility thro h
a ordin to eloitte hi h aid an o er ie o re ear h
internal and e ternal reportin
on the topi e ted that the ret rn on in e tment or
orkpla e mental health inter ention a era e emon trate a o nta ility
mpro e the di lo re pro e
a in a et o pro ed re in pla e to mana e mental
n re the pro i ion o tailored in ho e mental health
health makin it po i le or employee to eel om orta le
pport and i npo tin to lini al help
talkin a o t mental health and inter enin and ena lin
reha ilitation are all ay that employer an help to red e
any o ill at ome point in o r li e e a e ted y
the h man and e onomi o t a o iated ith mental ill
mental health i e nd employer o all type a ro all
ind trie ha e oth a d ty o are to their ta and a
inan ial and prod ti ity dri en in enti e to pre ent and
o n r n n h lp mana e mental health i e here po i le
n rer ha e a part to play too
he te en on armer report o tline ay in hi h the UK
he role o the in rer in ettin ill or in red employee an e ome a orld leader in the relation to mental health
a k to ork an o eyond ritin a he e in the e ent at ork hat ill take a on erted e ort t ith the help
o a laim or e ample orkin ith independent lini al o in rer o ed on pre ention and reha ilitation it o ld
pe iali t on oth pre and po t laim ol tion to impro e e hope one day e ome a reality
Th T