Page 25 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 25


             2) Profitable and cash rich companies trying to gain
                 market leadership
             3) Market entry strategy
             Survival option -  Business wants to survive, competitors
             don't let them to survive, so, the option is either to be
             a competitor or merge. Small companies will not be able
             to  compete  with  large  company  because  large
             companies have lot  of  money  they can  invest  in
             technology, they can invest in advertisement, small
             companies cannot have enough resources, So they fail
             to compete with the large company, then the left out
             option in to survive is merge. Cannot fight then join this
             is all about business first fight if not join i.e. merge to
             survive rather than to die
                                                                 Financial  Synergy - It involves combining both  the
             Specific assets - it is easy to get tangible assets like land,
                                                                 acquirer and target company balance sheets to achieve
             building, machinery but what  cannot get in the open
                                                                 either a reduction in the weighted average cost of
             market is  intangible asset i.e., specific asset like
                                                                 capital or a  better gearing ratio or other improved
             goodwill . Customers are addicted  to brands, they are
                                                                 financial parameters. This deals with the impact that a
             not bothered about the promoter of the company or
                                                                 merger has on the cost of capital of newly formed firm
             the shareholders of the company or where is the
                                                                 resulting from merger. The minimum return required
             company located or where is the company's registered
                                                                 motivating the investor and lenders to buy a firms stock
             office and head office is located
                                                                 or lend to the firms known as cost of capital. Lower cost
             Cross border motivations -   sometimes it may be    of borrowing results when a firm has excess cash flows
             difficult to company A to sell its product in other country  combines with a firm that has internally generated cash
             so then it acquire a company in other country or there  flows insufficient to fund its investment opportunities
             may be another scenario like market imperfections for  in a matured industry. Firms with low growth may
             example there would be a software company in US and  produce  cash  flow  in  excess  than  the  available
             that company acquires software house in India, where  opportunities. Another firm with high growth may lack
             they are low cost developers so, that is an another  enough cash required for the available investment
             motivation or sometimes the technology may transfer  opportunities. Thus firm in a mature industry may have
             to other companies in other countries where they can  a  lower cost of capital than  the one in which high
             use the technology much better and this can happen  growth industry when combining such firms could lower
             only through acquiring the company. So, like this there  the average cost of capital of the merged firm. In other
             are several cross border motivations. Cross border  words there could also be a benefit of offsetting the risk
             means a company acquiring another company in other  in cash flows. If the two companies have fluctuating cash
             country.                                            flows, like one company may a have a surplus cash flows
                                                                 at one moment of time and other may have deficit cash
          Benefits                                               flows. Then the company can offset these cash flows
                                                                 and to a large extent they can be saved from the burden
             Regulatory  change  - Deregulation  has  played  a
                                                                 of interest charges. If the company borrow in bulk they
             significant role in  mergers. Industries subjected to
                                                                 get a better rate and asset based security is easy &
             deregulations in the years like, telecommunications,
                                                                 charged at low rate. This is another benefit
             health care, insurance, media, Banks also had been
             actively indulging in merger activities. Deregulation  Marketing Synergy - It also involves leveraging on the
             promotes the mergers by eliminating the barriers    brand equity of one of the two companies to push the

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             OCTOBER | 2022 | 25
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