Page 20 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 20


          Under GST, when goods/services supplied  space but against the rental value for  erational debt) in terms of the proce-
          in a bundle, either it could be composite  the period of rent calculated for the  dure laid down, in strict compliance of
          or mixed supplies. Composite Supply  period of lease and collected upfront."  the time periods prescribed under the
          means supply of two or more goods or                                 IBC, before the adjudicating authority.
          services or both. These are bundled and  Customs department can't    In any case, the IRP/RP/liquidator can
          supplied in conjunction with each other                              immediately secure goods from the
                                            sell assets of companies in
          in the ordinary course of business and                               Customs authority to be dealt with
          one of which is called principal supply. bankruptcy  to  recover     appropriately, in terms of the  IBC.
          Rate for principal supply will be rate for                           Resultantly, we allow the appeal and
                                            dues: SC
          entire supply and if it is exempted, en-                             set aside the impugned order and judg-
                                            In an important ruling, the Supreme
          tire supply will be exempted.                                        ment of the NCLAT."
                                            Court said that once proceedings un-
                                            der the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
          Tax credit allowed on lease       Code (IBC) are initiated against an im-  SC tells HCs to write rul-
          premium                           porter or exporter company, the cus- ings in language easy to
                                            toms  department authorities cannot
          An Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR)                                understand
                                            sell-off goods of  that  company for
          judgement saying tax credit should be                                Supreme Court sent back an "incom-
                                            realisation of dues.
          allowed on goods and services tax                                    prehensible"  verdict  to  Himachal
          (GST) paid on upfront lease premium  A bench of Chief Justice N V Ramana  Pradesh High Court for fresh consider-
          could give a breather to companies and  and Justices J K Maheshwari and Hima  ation saying judgments must make
          even corporate individuals. Tax authori-  Kohli quashed an NCLAT order allowing  sense to litigants.
          ties have been disallowing the tax  the customs authorities to dispose of
                                                                               A bench of Justices D Y Chandrachud
          credit up until now.              goods in their warehouse belonging to
                                                                               and A S Bopanna said use of complex
                                            a company, ABG Shipyard, to  realise
          The AAR ruling means that many ten-                                  and long sentences in judgments defeat
                                            dues relating to customs duty on im-
          ants would now be able to challenge                                  the efficacy of justice delivery as they
                                            ported items.
          the taxman's stance, experts said.                                   confuse litigants as to how and why a
                                            Writing the judgment, the CJI said, "The  court rendered a particular decision.
          "Generally, tax authorities are disal-
                                            IBC would prevail over the Customs Act,
          lowing input credit on upfront lease                                 Terming a judgment of a division bench
                                            to the extent that once moratorium is
          premium on the ground that same is                                   of Himachal Pradesh HC "incompre-
                                            imposed in terms of Sections 14 or 33(5)
          in relation to immovable property,                                   hensible" and "difficult to navigate
                                            of the IBC, as the case may be, the re-
          hence restricted, or where tenants                                   through" even for the SC judges who
                                            spondent authority only has a limited
          undertake some renovation  or con-                                   have spent more than two decades as
                                            jurisdiction  to assess/determine the
          struction work before they use the                                   constitutional court judges, the bench
                                            quantum of customs duty and other lev-
          property, the credit is denied on the                                said, "A litigant for whom the judgment
                                            ies. The Customs Authority does not
          logic of input service of lease being                                is primarily meant would be placed in
                                            have power to initiate recovery of dues
          used for construction," said Harpreet                                an even  more difficult position. Un-
                                            by means of sale/confiscation, as pro-
          Singh, partner at KPMG India.                                        trained in the law, the litigant is con-
                                            vided under the Customs Act."
                                                                               fronted with language which is not
          Input tax credit is a mechanism under
                                            Allowing the appeal filed by the liqui-  heard, written or spoken in contempo-
          GST where part of the tax paid can be
                                            dator of ABG Shipyard against the  rary expression."
          set off against future tax liability. Tamil
                                            NCLAT judgment, the bench said, "The
          Nadu AAR in a ruling on July 27 had                                  Writing  the  judgment,  Justice
                                            respondent authority does  not have
          said, "The upfront premium made is                                   Chandrachud said, "Language of the
                                            the power to initiate recovery of dues
          the lease rentals as per the allotment                               kind in a judgment defeats the purpose
                                            by means of sale/confiscation, as pro-
          order/letter of Chennai Port Trusts and                              of judicial writing. Judgment writing of
                                            vided under the Customs Act."
          it is nothing but lease rentals paid for                             the genre before us in appeal detracts
          the services of 'renting of immovable  It said the customs authorities could  from the efficacy of the judicial process.
          property' for business purposes. The  assess the value of the goods and the  The purpose of judicial writing is not to
          upfront premium paid is not related to  customs duty thereon and "submit its  confuse or confound the reader behind
          construction activity of such covered  claims (concerning customs dues/op-  the veneer of complex language."
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