Page 15 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 15


          Mutual Fund

          ICICI  Prudential  Mutual         equally to its components. According  stock indices," said Vishal Kapoor, CEO,
                                            to the press release, the scheme exhib-  IDFC AMC.
          Fund  launches  Nifty50
                                            its smart-beta characteristics as the
                                                                               The Nifty100  Low Volatility 30 Index
          Equal Weight Index Fund           index intends to have no size bias. The  follows a disciplined process of assign-
                                            index is less concentrated and helps in
          ICICI  Prudential  Mutual  Fund  has                                 ing a higher weight to less volatile
                                            providing stability to the portfolio.
          launched the ICICI Prudential Nifty50                                stocks and a lower weight to high vola-
          Equal Weight Index Fund. The scheme                                  tility stocks. Nifty100 Low Volatility 30
          will invest in the constituents of  the IDFC Mutual Fund laun-       Index yielded a relatively higher return
          Nifty50 Equal Weight Index.                                          of 15.4% p.a. as against 14.6% p.a. for
                                            ches Nifty100 Low Volatil-
                                                                               the Nifty 100 Index and 14.0% p.a. for
          The  scheme  will  be  managed  by
                                            ity 30 Index Fund                  the Nifty 50 Index over a  rolling 10-
          Kayzad Eghlim and Nishit Patel.
                                            IDFC Mutual Fund has launched  the  year timeframe. At the same time, it
          "Since indices perform differently un-                               has demonstrated a stronger ability to
                                            IDFC Nifty100 Low Volatility 30 Index
          der variable market conditions, it is                                withstand  the  impact  of  volatility
                                            Fund, an  open-ended  index scheme
          prudent to diversify across indices with                             where the return  per unit of risk is
                                            that will consist of the 30 least volatile
          different weightage methodology.                                     1.05 for Nifty100 Low Volatility 30 In-
                                            stocks from the large cap universe rep-
          Nifty50 Equal Weight Index is less con-  licating the Nifty100 Low Volatility 30  dex  against 0.85  for Nifty 100 Index
                                                                               and 0.83 for Nifty 50 Index, clearly
          centrated in the top 5 sectors as com-  Index.
                                                                               demonstrating its advantage.
          pared to the Nifty 50 Index, thus pro-
                                            "As Indians move from being savers to
          viding an excellent diversification op-
                                            becoming investors, stock market vola-  HDFC Mutual Fund laun-
          portunity. Also, there is no size bias as
                                            tility could be unnerving for many new
          the index tries to reduce the impact of                              ches three Smart Beta ETFs
                                            investors, often leading to impulsive re-
          bigger companies on the index perfor-
                                            actions, unjustified investment deci-  HDFC Asset Management Company
          mance,"  says Chintan Haria, Head-                                   has launched three Smart Beta ETFs -
                                            sions and regret. The Low-volatility
          Product Development & Strategy, ICICI                                NIFTY100  Quality  30  ETF,  NIFTY50
                                            strategy provides investors an oppor-
          Prudential AMC.                                                      Value 20 ETF, and NIFTY Growth Sec-
                                            tunity to benefit from the high return
          According to the fund house, the Nifty  potential of equities while aiming to  tors 15 ETF.
          50 Equal Weight Index invests in the  reduce volatility, helping investors stay  Smart Beta investing involves stock se-
          top 50 stocks in India based on market  true to their overall investment goals.  lection and  weighting that is done
          capitalization. An equal weight index  This Index has provided a compelling  based on pre-defined factors. These in-
          has empirically higher dividend yield as  riskreward opportunity over the years,  vestment strategies endeavor to pro-
          compared  to a  market capitalization  yielding relatively higher returns with  vide better risk-adjusted returns than
          weighted index as it allocates funds  relatively lower risk as against major  broad market cap  weighted  indices.
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             OCTOBER | 2022 | 15
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