Page 17 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 17


          cap stocks. The fund will be managed  Investors  can  invest  a  minimum  Alliance Capital's Indian mutual fund
          by Mr. Sudhir Kedia - Fund Manager -  amount of Rs  5,000 during the NFO  business.
          Equity and Mr. Ravi Gopalakrishnan,  period. The fund will be managed by
                                                                               The company has joined entities like
          CIO - Equity. The benchmark for the  Pankaj Tibrewal and Abhishek Bisen.
                                                                               Zerodha, Samco Securities and Bajaj
          scheme is the Nifty 500 TRI Index.
                                            Kotak Business Cycle Fund will take into  Finserv that received Sebi's go-ahead
          "The support of more than 5800 Dis-  account various economic parameters  to launch mutual fund operations. Be-
          tribution Partners and  the faith re-  (GDP growth, current account deficit,  sides,  half a  dozen companies are
          posed by 70,000  + Investors has far  corporate profit growth trend, infla-  awaiting Sebi's nod to enter into the
          exceeded our expectations. It is now  tion etc.), investment indicators (in-  mutual fund space.
          our turn to exceed their expectations.  vestment in capex, capacity utilisation,
          The  fund  will aim to  live up  to its  credit growth, etc.), business and lead-  Axis  Mutual Fund laun-
          tagline of Optimizing Opportunities by  ing economic indicators (business con-
                                                                               ches Silver ETF and Silver
          seeking to manage the Risk-Reward  fidence index, purchasing manager in-
          trade-off in the investors' favour and  dex, etc.) while picking stocks.  FoF
          deliver appropriate wealth creation
                                            Speaking at the launch of the fund,  Axis Mutual Fund has launched the Axis
          over  the medium term," said Sunil
                                            Nilesh Shah, Group President and Man-  Silver ETF, an open ended scheme rep-
          Subramaniam,  Managing  Director,
                                            aging Director, Kotak Mahindra Asset  licating domestic price of Silver,  and
          Sundaram Mutual.
                                            Management, said, "Kotak  Business  Axis Silver Fund of Fund, an open ended
          He also attributed the success to the  Cycle Fund provides a good opportunity  fund of fund scheme investing in units
          high octane multi-media campaign  for investors to diversify their equity  of Axis Silver ETF. Both the funds will
          across Print, Digital and OOH  of the  portfolio as there are equity stocks  be benchmarked against the LBMA Sil-
          'Laughing Buddha' creative. The prod-  across  categories,  which tend to  do  ver daily spot AM fixing price.
          uct video, which aptly conveyed the  better at various stages of the Business
                                                                               Pratik Tibrewal, Fund Manager, Com-
          fund's aim to choose the right cap curve  Cycle. Even during challenging times of
                                                                               modities,  will be managing the Axis
          mix  across  time  to  meet  investor  economic slowdown, these companies
                                                                               Silver ETF and the minimum application
          needs, received over 19 million+ views.  have managed to navigate the chal-
                                                                               amount would be Rs 500 per applica-
          The  Sundaram Mutual website  re-  lenges and perform well across various
                                                                               tion and in multiples of INR 1/- there-
          ceived a record 1.5 million visitors over  economic parameter."
                                                                               after. Aditya Pagaria, Fund Manager,
          the course of the NFO and resulted in
                                                                               Fixed Income will be managing the Axis
          roughly half of the collections being
                                            Helios Capital gets Sebi's         Silver FoF and the minimum application
                                            in-principle  approval to          amount be Rs 500 and in multiples of
                                                                               Re 1/- per application in the ETF and
          Kotak Mutual Fund laun-           launch mutual fund busi-
                                                                               Rs 5,000 and in multiples of INR 1/-
          ches Kotak Business Cycle         ness                               thereafter in the FoF.
          Fund                              Helios Capital has received capital  The fund house said in a press release
                                            markets  regulator Sebi's in-principle  that Silver in its physical form may pose
          Kotak Mutual Fund has launched Kotak
                                            approval to launch a mutual fund busi-  challenges  with respect to corrosion
          Business Cycle Fund, an  openended
          scheme following business cycles based  ness. Helios Capital Management PTE  over time, safety, purity of the metal,
                                            Limited, which is the business of port-
          on investing themes. The fund would                                  liquidity risk etc. Investors can opt to
                                            folio management services, applied for
          invest in stocks and sectors of the com-                             gain exposure to the precious metal
                                            a mutual fund license with the Securi-
          panies that can navigate through vari-                               via an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) that
                                            ties and Exchange Board of India (Sebi)
          ous economic cycles. The term "Busi-                                 aims to generate returns in line with
                                            in February 2021.
          ness  Cycle" refers to various stages                                the performance of physical silver in
          where a company or a specific sector  After quitting Alliance Capital almost  domestic prices, subject to tracing er-
          undergoes a period of expansion, mod-  20 years ago, Arora is re-entering the  ror. Investors who do not have a Demat
          eration  and  contraction in the busi-  43-player mutual fund industry. He  account can gain exposure by invest-
          ness.                             was the Chief Investment Officer of  ing in Silver FoF (Fund of Fund).

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