Page 18 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 18

RBI imposes  penalty  on          on  the National Urban Cooperative  claim amount of his/her deposits up to
                                            Bank  Limited,  Pratapgarh,  Uttar  a monetary ceiling of 5,00,000/- (Ru-
          Eight Cooperative banks
                                            Pradesh.                           pees five lakh only) from Deposit Insur-
          The Reserve Bank said it has imposed                                 ance and Credit Guarantee Corpora-
          penalty on eight cooperative banks for                               tion (DICGC) on liquidation."
                                            RBI cancels banking license
          violation of directions of RBI.
                                                                               As on May 18,  2022, DICGC has al-
                                            of  Rupee  Co-operative
          A penalty of Rs 10 lakh has been im-                                 ready paid 700.44 crore of the total
          posed on Bharat Heavy Electricals Em- Bank                           insured deposits under the provisions of
          ployees'   Co-operative    Bank,  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can-  Section  18A of the DICGC Act, 1961
          Kailasapuram, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil  celled the license of Rupee Co-opera-  based on the willingness received from
          Nadu; Rs 5 lakh on The Ottapalam Co-  tive Bank Ltd in Pune.         the concerned depositors of the bank.
          operative Urban Bank Ltd, No.F. 1647,
                                            According to a press release, the com-
          Ottapalam, Palakkad District, Kerala;
                                            missioner for cooperation and regis- RBI  cancels  licence  of
          and Rs 10 lakh on The Darussalam Co-
                                            trar  of  Cooperative  Societies,
          operative Urban  Bank,  Hyderabad,                                   Maharashtra-based Laxmi
                                            Maharashtra has also been requested
                                            to issue an order for winding up the Co-operative Bank
          In a statement, the RBI said a Rs 55  bank and appoint a liquidator for the  RBI  cancelled the licence  Solapur-
          lakh penalty has been imposed on The  bank.                          based Laxmi Co-operative Bank Limited
          Visakhapatnam Co-operative Bank,                                     for failing to comply with various pro-
                                            "Consequent to the cancellation of its
          Visakhapatnam,  Andhra  Pradesh for
                                            license, "Rupee Co-operative Bank Ltd,  visions of the Banking Regulation Act,
          violation of directions related to 'in-                              1949.
                                            Pune" stands prohibited from conduct-
          come recognition, asset classification,
                                            ing the business of 'banking' which in-  "The Reserve Bank cancelled  the li-
          provisioning' and finance for housing
                                            cludes, among other things, accep-  cence of the bank as it does not have
                                            tance of deposits and  repayment of  adequate capital and earning pros-
          The RBI has also imposed a fine of Rs  deposits as defined in Section 5(b) read  pects. As such, it does not comply with
          10 lakh each on The Nellore Coopera-  with Section 56 of the Banking Regu-  the provisions of Section 11(1) and Sec-
          tive Urban Bank Limited, Gandhi Nagar,  lation Act, 1949 with effect from Sep-  tion 22 (3) (d) read with Section 56 of
          Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh and  tember 22, 2022," stated the RBI press
                                                                               the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The
          Kakinada Co-operative Town Bank Ltd,  release.                       bank has failed to comply with the re-
          Kakinada,  East  Godavari  District,
                                            The RBI has directed the bank to pro-  quirements of Sections 22(3) (a), 22 (3)
          Andhra Pradesh.
                                            vide every entitled depositor a full  (b), 22(3)(c), 22(3) (d) and 22(3)(e) read
          Besides, Rs 1 lakh fine has been im-  amount of their deposits from DICGC.  with Section 56 of the Banking Regu-
          posed on The Kendrapara Urban Coop-  It said, "every depositor would be en-  lation Act, 1949," the central bank said
          erative Bank, Kendrapara and Rs 5 lakh  titled  to receive  deposit insurance  in a release.

            18 | 2022 | OCTOBER                                                            | BANKING FINANCE
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