Page 11 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 11



          Subramanian appointed             toral cycle for directors, which is upto  interest, approval is sought to mobilise
                                            October 31, 2022.                  some more funds by way of issue of
          India's next executive di-                                           redeemable NCDs/bonds on private
                                            "Getting India's nominee elected for a
          rector at IMF                     period of 9 days only and thereafter  placement basis," GIC Housing Finance
                                                                               said in its annual report 2021-22.
          The Appointments Committee of the  causing a bye-election for the new in-
          Cabinet has approved former Chief  cumbent would have been impracti-  The housing financier will seek ap-
          Economic  Adviser  Krishnamurthy  cal," an official said, adding that nomi-  proval from its shareholders  on  the
          Subramanian for the post of Executive  nations for the next two-year term  capital raise plan in the upcoming an-
          Director (India) at the International  which begins on November 1, have to  nual general meeting on September
          Monetary Fund for a period of three  be made by August 29.           23, 2022.
          years starting November 1, 2022, or
                                            "The IMF's EDs are elected for a pe-  The company said whether the funds
          until further orders.
                                            riod of two years through voting by the  will  be  moped-up  in  one  or more
          Mr. Subramanian, who is currently a  Governors representing the respective  tranches will depend upon the require-
          Finance Professor at the Indian School  constituency countries. India is in a 4-  ment, time of issue as well as market
          of Business, will replace Surjit S. Bhalla  country constituency  having India,  conditions, in accordance with the de-
          who was appointed to the role in 2019.
                                            Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan as  cision of the committee of the board
          The Secretariat to the Cabinet's  ap-  members. The next 2-year term of the  members.
          pointments    panel   said   the  EDs  will start from November 1, for
          appointment's approval entailed cur-  which the voting will happen on Octo-
                                                                               Nepal opens first human
          tailing the tenure of Mr. Bhalla up to  ber 14," the official added.
          October 30, 2022.                                                    milk ban for at-risk infants
          Mr. Bhalla had been appointed as the GIC  Housing  Finance  to       Nepal President Bidhya Devi Bhandari
          Executive Director (India) at the IMF                                inaugurated the Himalayan nation's
                                            raise upto Rs. 2,500 crore
          for a period of three years in October                               first-ever human milk bank at a mater-
                                            via bonds
          2019  after  his  predecessor  Subir                                 nity and women's hospital here to give
          Gokarn had passed away in July 2019.  GIC Housing Finance has said it is mull-  premature and other at-risk  infants
                                            ing to raise up to Rs 2,500 crore by is-  access to the vast benefits of breast
          On the curtailment of Mr. Bhalla's ten-
                                            suing bonds  on a  private placement  milk when they need it the most.
          ure, government sources explained
                                            basis to augment its capital resources.
          that he had joined the IMF Executive                                 'Amrit Kosh,' the human milk bank at
          Board on November 9, 2019 and his  "Seeing the long-term borrowing re-  the  Paropakar  Maternity  and
          term has been curtailed by 9 days to  quirement of the company and to aug-  Women's Hospital has the facilities to
          align it with the IMF's two-year elec-  ment resources at a cheaper rate of  collect, pasteurise, test, and store safe

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