Page 7 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 7


          Bandhan will open 551 more branches  have correspondent bank relations  automobile,  furniture,  travel  and
          in 2022-23 taking the total count over  with only those Russian banks that are  dining.
          6,000, the MD & CEO added. "Major-  not under Western sanctions. But now,
                                                                               The list of brands offering attractive
          ity of these will be outside of eastern  both Russian banks that have opera-
                                                                               offers  include  Flipkart,  Amazon,
          India." He said Bandhan will continue  tions in India - VTB bank and Sberbank
                                                                               Myntra,     Bigbasket,    Blinkit,
          to expand its product portfolio.  - are under sanctions. Moreover, there
                                                                               MakeMyTrip,  iPhone  14,  Samsung,
                                            is  a chance that the smaller Russian
                                                                               Ajio, Reliance Digital, Croma, LG, Dell,
          Rupee trade: Indian banks         banks that are not covered under sanc-  Swiggy, Zomato. Special offers on bank-
                                            tions right now may also come under  ing products such as loans (home loan,
          weigh the risks of tying up
                                            sanctions. Russian banks That's a point  personal loan, and gold loan) can also
          with Russian lenders              of worry," said the source.        be availed.
          Indian banks are weighing the risk of
          opening correspondent banking rela-  ICICI Bank launches ‘Fes-
                                                                                  Attention Subscribers
          tions with Russian banks, including ones
                                            tive Bonanza’ for its cus-
          that have a presence in India, such as                                Please renew your Subscription of
          Sberbank and VTB Bank, to carry out tomers                            Banking Finance Journal to receive
          bilateral trade in Indian rupee. There  Private lender ICICI Bank on Thursday  copy of the journal uninterruptedly.
          are concerns about irking the Western  announced the launch of ‘Festive Bo-  You can now pay by GPAY, Phonepe,
          nations that have imposed  banking  nanza’, a wide variety of offers for all
                                                                                Paytm, Amazon, ICICI Pay, BHIM UPI
          sanctions against Russia, said a person  its customers at the onset of the fes-
          tracking the matter.              tive season.
          Banks in India, such as UCO bank and  The customers can enjoy the benefit of
          Canara Bank, involved in talks with  discounts  and  cashbacks  upto  Rs.
          Russian banks, will also  need to see  25,000 which can be availed using the
          whether aligning with Russian banks  Bank’s  credit  cards,  debit  cards,
          for rupee-denominated trade would  internet banking, consumer finance
          lead to economic gains as it did while  and cardless EMI.
          carrying out rupee-rial trade with Iran,  “We are delighted to announce the
          the source added.                 launch of ‘Festive Bonanza’ for our
                                            customers which will include a plethora
          "In  the case of Iran,  UCO Bank was
                                            of offers, discounts and cashbacks on
          getting a lot of money that stayed in
                                            purchases and spends,” said  Rakesh
          the account for a long time. But in case
                                            Jha, Executive Director, ICICI Bank.
          of rupee-denominated trade with Rus-
          sia, the rupee balance can be used for  “We have collaborated  with leading
          investment in securities or infrastruc-  brands and e-commerce platforms
          ture.                             across a wide range of products and
                                            services. In  addition, we have intro-
          "So, banks are not sure whether the
                                            duced festive benefits across our bank-
          money will be available with them for
                                            ing solutions –home loan, balance
          a long time," said the source.
                                            transfer,  loan  against property, per-  You  can also make payment  for
          These issues came up for discussion at  sonal loan, auto loan, two wheeler  purchase of Books/Exam Guides
          a meeting earlier this month between  loan.”                          from
          the banks from both countries to dis-                                 through above QR Code
                                            The Bank has curated a  bouquet of
          cuss the details of carrying out rupee
                                            offers to meet the festive needs of  For  any  query  please  call
          trade, which has now been permitted
                                            customers in categories ranging from  9073791022/9883398055
          by the RBI.
                                            electronics & gadgets,  global luxury
          "Initially, Indian banks were hoping to  brands, apparels & jewellery, grocery,
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                              OCTOBER | 2022 | 7
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