Page 9 - Banking Finance October 2022
P. 9


          reserves had dropped  by USD 7.941  RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das has as-  good, an article in the RBI bulletin said
          billion to USD 553.105 billion.   sured the markets several times that  and backed a more nuanced approach.
                                            the current account gap will be sus-
          The fall in the reserves during the re-
                                            tainable and the central bank can fi-
          porting week was on account of a dip                                 RBI lifts ban on American
                                            nance it comfortably. Deputy Governor
          in the foreign currency assets (FCAs),                               Express
                                            Michael  Patra in an August speech
          a major component of the overall re-
                                            pegged a range of 2.5%-3% of CAD as  The Reserve Bank  of India has lifted
          serves, according to the Weekly Statis-
                                            sustainable.                       the ban on new customer acquisition
          tical Supplement released by the RBI.
                                                                               by American Express which was  im-
                                            RBI's take on the CAD -- the widest
          The FCAs decreased by USD 2.519 bil-                                 posed with effect from May 2021 due
                                            measure of external finances -- as-
          lion to USD 489.598 billion in the re-                               to non-compliance with local data stor-
                                            sumes importance as economists from
          porting week.                                                        age norms.
                                            Citigroup Inc. and Standard Chartered
          Expressed in dollar terms, the foreign                               "In view of the satisfactory compliance
                                            Plc. peg the deficit at near 4%, term-
          currency assets include the effect of                                demonstrated by American Express
                                            ing the record trade deficit in the last
          appreciation or depreciation of non-US  two months as 'unsustainable'.  Banking Corp. with the Reserve Bank
          units like the euro, pound and yen held                              of India (RBI) circular dated April 6,
          in the foreign exchange reserves.                                    2018, on Storage of Payment System
                                            RBI      supports        govt's
                                                                               Data, the restrictions  imposed, vide
          The value of the gold reserves  in-
                                            gradual privatisation of           order  dated  April  23,  2021,  on
          creased by USD 340 million to USD
                                            PSU banks                          onboarding of new domestic custom-
          38.644 billion, the data showed.
                                                                               ers have been lifted with immediate
                                            The RBI clarified that researchers at
          The  Special Drawing Rights  (SDRs)                                  effect," RBI said.
                                            the central bank were of the view that
          dropped by USD 63 million to USD
                                            instead of a bigbang approach to pub-  Similar bans were imposed on Diners
          17.719 billion.
                                            lic sector bank privatisation, a gradual  Club International and Mastercard pre-
          The country's reserve position with the  approach - as announced by the gov-  viously. The ban on  Diners Club was
          IMF was up by USD 8 million to USD  ernment - would result in better out-  lifted in November last year, while the
          4.91 billion in the reporting week, as  comes.                       restrictions on Mastercard was re-
          per the data.                                                        moved in June this year.
                                            The central bank was reacting to re-
                                            ports based on the article 'Privatisation
          RBI sees India's current-ac-      of Public Sector Banks:  An Alternate RBI digitising Kisan cards
          count  deficit  staying           Perspective' published in the August  for rural thrust
                                            2022  issue  of  RBI  Bulletin.  It  was
          within 3% of GDP                                                     RBI  has  started  an  initiative  for
                                            viewed by some as RBI being opposed
                                                                               digitisation of rural finance, beginning
          India's  central  bank  expects  the  to privatisation  of PSU  banks.  "As
                                                                               with Kisan credit cards.
          country's current account deficit to  clearly stated in the article itself, the
          stay within a limit it considers sustain-  views expressed are those of the au-  This month, the regulator is launching
          able amid softening global fuel, food  thors and do not represent the views  a pilot in select districts of MP and Tamil
          and fertilizer prices while portfolio  of the RBI," according to an RBI state-  Nadu aimed at automation of various
          flows and exports pick up.        ment. "The press release relating to  processes within banks and integration
                                            the August Bulletin highlights that "the  of their systems with the service pro-
          "Overall, the current account deficit is
                                            gradual  approach  to  privatisation  viders. The project along with Union
          expected to be within 3% of gross do-
                                            adopted by the government can en-  Bank and Federal Bank aims to make
          mestic product," the Reserve Bank of
                                            sure that avoid is not created in fulfill-  it more efficient and cut costs and the
          India said in  its  September Bulletin.
                                            ing the social objective of financial in-  turnaround time significantly.
          "With portfolio flows returning and
                                            clusion," the statement said.
          foreign  direct investment remaining                                 "Rural finance encompasses a range of
          strong, this order of deficit is eminently  A big-bang approach of privatisation of  financial services offered to rural cus-
          financeable."                     PSU banks  may do more harm than   tomers, including farmers, at all in-
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