Page 53 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 53


         The proceeds of serious crimes are transferred from one
         jurisdiction to another using a variety of TBML techniques
         in order to make them appear legitimate.

         Money laundering can be hidden behind the trading of
         almost any kind of item. The FATF has pointed out that this
         usually happens with things like gold, precious stones,
         minerals, cars and their parts, food and farm products,
         clothes, used textiles, small electronics, building supplies,
         machinery, and energy resources. The reason criminals pick
         these items is that they're hard to check thoroughly at
         customs. It would take way too much time to verify all the
         details in the paperwork for a whole shipment.

         When these items are sent across several countries to reach
         the buyer, it gets even easier to hide where they originally  The shell company then engages in a series of transactions
         came from. For items whose prices can vary a lot, it's tough  designed to "clean" the dirty money, often involving tactics
         to tell if the price listed in the documents is too high or too  such as issuing fake invoices for non-existent goods or
         low. And items like precious metals and minerals that are  services, or implementing round-tripping, where the same
         obtained illegally are especially appealing to criminals  assets are exchanged multiple times to simulate legitimate
         because, once cleaned, they can be used just like cash.  business activity. As a result, the layers of obfuscation make
                                                              it challenging for law enforcement agencies and financial
         6. Shell Companies and Offshore Accounts:            institutions to detect and combat money laundering
         Money launderers exploit shell companies to hide the origin  activities facilitated by shell companies.
         of illicit funds, create false invoices, and engage in complex
         transactions that obscure the money trail. Typically, a shell 7. Instant Messaging Apps:
         company is set up in a jurisdiction known for its strict privacy  Nowadays, a lot of messaging apps let people send money
         laws, providing a veil of secrecy that makes it difficult for  directly to each other, which has become a new way for
         investigators to trace the money trail back to the original  people who want to launder money to do their business.
         criminal activity.
                                                              For example, some messaging apps allow to send money or
                                                              to do peer to peer transaction using their platform. This
                                                              feature might give people who want to launder money a
                                                              chance to move money secretly in messages that are
                                                              encrypted. This means the messages are scrambled so no
                                                              one else can read them, allowing illegal transactions or
                                                              conversations to happen without any record.

                                                              Challenges in Detecting Modern Money
                                                              Laundering Techniques

                                                              Old ways of investigating crimes aren't as good at catching
                                                              clever money laundering anymore. Investigators need to
                                                              learn new tricks because the old ones might not catch
                                                              everything, especially the trickier schemes. Here's a closer
         Source: https//                           look at the problems they're facing:

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