Page 57 - Banking Finance May 2024
P. 57


          Development (NABARD) has issued India's first 'AAA' rated  development.  By  directing  funds  towards  these
          Indian Rupee denominated Social Bonds aggregating Rs.  initiatives, social bonds contribute to positive social
          1,040.50 crore at a coupon rate of 7.63 per cent in the year  impact and help meet unmet societal needs.
          of 2023. The bonds (redeemable, taxable, non-convertible,  For issuers, social bonds expand the pool of available
          non-priority sector, unsecured, social securities of face value  financing options by tapping into investors interested
          Rs. 1 lakh each) of five-years tenure were issued privately  in socially responsible investing. This diversification of
          to eligible institutional investors.                   funding sources can reduce dependency on traditional
                                                                 financing channels and enhance access to capital for
          Key Characteristics of Social Bonds                    projects with social objectives.
             The proceeds from social bonds are
             earmarked for projects that aim to
             address  social  issues  such  as
             affordable  housing,  healthcare,
             education,  job  creation,  or
             community development.
             Issuers  of  social  bonds  typically
             provide detailed information about
             the projects being financed, including
             their  social  impact  metrics,  and
             reporting  standards  to  ensure
             transparency to investors.
             In some cases, social bonds may be
             certified or verified by independent
             third-party organizations to validate
             their  social  or  environmental  credentials.  This  Social  bonds  attract  investors  who  prioritize
             certification process helps build credibility and trust  environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in
             among investors.                                    their investment decisions. By investing in social bonds,
                                                                 these investors can align their financial goals with their
             Social bonds have gained popularity in recent years as
             investors increasingly seek opportunities to align their  values and impact objectives.
             investment portfolios with their values and impact goals.  Issuers of social bonds can enhance their reputation and
                                                                 credibility  by  demonstrating  a  commitment  to
             Like traditional bonds, social bonds offer financial
                                                                 addressing social challenges and promoting sustainable
             returns to investors in the form of periodic interest  development.
             payments and repayment of the principal amount upon
                                                                 Transparent reporting on the use of proceeds and the
                                                                 social impact of funded projects can help build trust
                                                                 among  investors, stakeholders, and the  broader
          Benefits of Social Bonds                               community.

          The emergence and growth of social bonds in the financial
                                                                 While social bonds may initially require investment in
          market offer several benefits, both for issuers and investors,  impact measurement and reporting infrastructure, over
          as well as for society as a whole. Some of these benefits  the long term, they can help lower the cost of capital
          include:                                               for issuers by attracting a broader investor base and
             Social bonds provide a mechanism for raising capital  reducing perceived risks associated with social and
             specifically for projects aimed at addressing pressing  environmental factors. This can result in favourable
             social issues, such as poverty alleviation, healthcare  financing terms and lower borrowing costs for future
             access, education, affordable housing, and community  bond issuances.

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