Page 60 - Banking Finance May 2024
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         Dealing in Rupee Interest Rate Derivative ful Activities) Act, 2005: Designated List
         products - Small Finance Banks                       (Amendments)

                                               April 23, 2024                                      April 16, 2024

         1. Please refer to paragraph 4 of Statement on Develop-  1. Please refer to Section 52 of our Master Direction on
             mental and Regulatory Policies issued as a part of the  Know Your Customer dated February 25, 2016 as
             Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement for 2024-25    amended on January 04, 2024 (MD on KYC), in terms
             dated April 05, 2024 read with Paragraph 1.10 of the  of which, inter alia, “Regulated Entities (REs) shall en-
             'Operating Guidelines for Small Finance Banks' dated  sure meticulous compliance with the “Procedure for
             October 6, 2016.                                    Implementation of Section 12A of the Weapons of Mass
                                                                 Destruction (WMD) and their Delivery Systems (Prohi-
         2. Extant guidelines permit Small Finance Banks (SFBs) to  bition of Unlawful Activities) Act, 2005” laid down in
             use only Interest Rate Futures (IRFs) for the purpose of  terms of Section 12A of the WMD Act, 2005 vide Or-
             proprietary hedging. In order to expand the avenues  der dated September 01, 2023, by the Ministry of Fi-
             available to the SFBs for hedging interest rate risk in  nance, Government of India (Annex III of the Master
             their balance sheet and commercial operations more  Direction on Know Your Customer).”
             effectively as well as with a view to provide them with  2. Further, in terms of Section 53 of our MD on KYC “the
             greater flexibility, it has now been decided to allow  REs shall verify every day, the ‘UNSCR 1718 Sanctions
             them to deal in permissible rupee interest rate deriva-  List of Designated Individuals and Entities‘, as available
             tive products for hedging interest rate risk in terms of  at
             the Rupee Interest Rate Derivatives (Reserve Bank)  Sanctions-DPRK.htm, to take into account any modifi-
             Directions, 2019 dated June 26, 2019, as amended from  cations to the list in terms of additions, deletions or
             time to time.                                       other changes and also ensure compliance with the
         Applicability                                           ‘Implementation of Security Council Resolution on
                                                                 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Order, 2017’,
         3. This circular is applicable to all Small Finance Banks.
                                                                 as amended from time to time by the Central Govern-
         4. These instructions shall come into force with immedi-  ment”
             ate effect.
                                                              3. A  reference  is  also  invited  to  our  circular
                                                                 DOR.AML.REC.23/14.06.001/2023-24 dated July 04,
         Implementation of Section 12A of the                    2023, communicating thereby the Consolidated Lists of

         Weapons of Mass Destruction and their                   UNSC Designated / Sanctioned Individuals and Entities
                                                                 under the UNSC Resolutions relating to non-prolifera-
         Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlaw-                 tion. Amendments to the entries in the Lists are car-

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