Page 25 - Insurance Times June 2024
P. 25



         Insurance in the

         Era of Electric

                                                                                           Subasree Sampath
         Vehicles                                                                         domain consultant at LTI
                                                                                           Works as an insurance


           The transportation sector stands out as a significant contributor to GHG emissions, prompting
           governments worldwide to embark on a concerted effort to move away from fossil fuels by identifying
           and harnessing cleaner energy sources. In this pursuit, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a
           compelling and environmentally responsible alternative.

                              Abstract                        Introduction
           The transportation sector is currently undergoing a  The transportation sector stands out as a significant
           significant shift as electric vehicles (EVs) gradually  contributor to GHG emissions, prompting governments
           replace conventional fossil fuel-powered internal  worldwide to embark on a concerted effort to move away
           combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). EVs are still in their  from fossil fuels by identifying and harnessing cleaner energy
           early stages of adoption, mainly attracting  early  sources. In this pursuit, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged
           adopters within the buyer segment. The transition to  as a compelling and environmentally responsible alternative.
           EVs requires the development of a new infrastructure  They offer the advantages of reduced or zero emissions,
           for charging, on-road support during  usage,  and  efficient energy utilization, and diminished maintenance
           maintenance and repair services. Critical components  requirements.
           of EVs, including the battery pack, electric motor,  The early EVs faced limitations due to their high price point,
           charging port, and regenerative braking, are still in the  performance concerns, and the nascent state of charging
           early phases of development. Consequently, they    infrastructure. However, technological advancements, along
           introduce new risks that insurance companies must  with  growing  environmental  awareness,  gradually
           cover. These risks are more pronounced during the initial
                                                              transformed public perception. Nevertheless, it was the
           phases of technological evolution. The risk models are  supporting government policies that played a pivotal role
           either related to or derived from those established for  in catalyzing the industry's growth. Government initiatives
           ICEVs. As technology progresses, most of these risks will  urging original equipment  manufacturers (OEMs) to
           be mitigated. As they progress beyond the early stages,  transition toward net-zero emissions, coupled with incentives
           unique risk models for EVs are set to evolve. The industry  provided to the public to embrace EVs, were instrumental
           will adapt to new operational models and ecosystems.  in driving market adoption.

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