Page 37 - Insurance Times March 2019
P. 37

Non-Life Insurance Plan

                                                              Home Insurance


                                                              from Cholamandalam MS General

                                                              Insurance Company Ltd

         Why Chola Ms Home Insurance?                           Missile testing operations
         Chola MS offers a comprehensive home insurance policy    Leakage from automatic sprinklers installations
         that protects your valuable property not just on the whole    Bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus,
         but also the structure and the home contents. You have an  pipes
         option to protect and safeguard your complete assets along
                                                                Bush fire
         with the home.
                                                                Impact damage by rail/road vehicle and animal
         Chola MS offers protection from burglary & housebreaking
         to domestic and electrical appliances, and even the struc- Burglary and housebreaking
         ture & contents of house.When you choose the best home  Including Larceny and Theft (Section II) - Contents (as de-
         insurance in India you gain all the given benefits:  fined by Indian Penal Code)
            The policy covers both structure and /or contents of    You can also insure the contents of your home against
             your home                                           loss  due  to  burglary  and  /orhousebreakingor  at-

            It covers your home against burglary, fire, terrorism  tempted burglary. Jewellery kept in a safe within the
                                                                 home premises can also be covered.
            It provides cover for valuable items like electronics,
             jewellery and anything else you might opt for (depend-  Sum Insured
             ing on the terms and conditions).
                                                                For Contents under Section I damaged or lost due to
            Policycover for self-owned houses as well as contents  Fire & Special Perils and Section II due to Burglary &
             of rented houses.                                   Theft should be the same.
         What is covered under the Chola home                   Make sure your investment in your house serves as an

         insurance policy?                                       asset for a lifetime by opting for the specially crafted
                                                                 house insurance policy from Chola MS.
         The items and situation that the Chola MS house insurance
         policy protects you against include:
                                                              Key features of Chola MS home plan:
         Fire and Special Perils                              Chola  MS  ensures complete  protection  of your  house

         Building (Section I) and Contents (Section IA) covers the  through:
         structure of your home and contents against:           Get house insurance online and save time, money and
            Fire, Lightning, Explosion/Implosion, Aircraft Damage  hassle.
            Riot, Strike, Malicious and Terrorist Damages      Standard coverage for protection against explosion or
            Subsidence and Landslide including Rockslide        fire, attempted burglary, damage due to natural disas-
            Storm, Typhoon, Cyclone Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado,  ters, theft, and compensation for damage to property
             Flood and Inundation                                or contents within, through vehicular accidents.
            Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption & other Convulsions of    Option of covers for your valuable items, such as cam-
             Nature                                              era and jewellery.

                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2019 37
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