Page 19 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 19


          FOR ELECTRIC

          VEHICLES &




          Prologue:                                           Covid crisis with national and state lockdowns, 36 cities out
                                                              of 50 cities which had unhealthy levels of air quality were
          The Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental
                                                              identified from India. The vehicular pollution arising from the
          Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) evidently states that human
                                                              increasing stock of private vehicles, especially internal
          activity  is  causing  unprecedented,  and  sometimes
                                                              combustion engines (ICE) has contributed significantly to
          irretrievable &irreversible, climatic changes. That report
                                                              deterioration of air quality in Indian cities. The increase in
          says that the impacts of climate change are already evident:
                                                              ICE vehicles stock has led to disastrous results.
          with the increasing temperatures, more droughts and floods,
          more extreme weather events giving rise to tornados/
                                                              Scaling up India's ambitious agenda to combat climate
          cyclones/thunder-storms, rising sea levels, and ocean
                                                              change,  Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced five
          acidification. These changes are causing serious problems
                                                              "Amrit Tatya" at the COP26 Summit including the target to
          for livelihoods and the well-being of persons all around the
                                                              attain net-zero emissions by 2070. Delivering the National
                                                              Statement at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow, he said India
                                                              will increase its capacity of non-fossil energy capacity to 500
          According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India
                                                              GW and meet 50 per cent of its energy requirements through
          has the world's worst air quality. In 2020, even during the
                                                              renewable energy by 2030.
                                                              The Indian automobile industry has witnessed some tectonic
                               About the author
                                                              changes during the last few years. Some of these changes
                        Anabil Bhattacharya                   are increasing penetration of electric vehicles, innovative
                        B.M.E. (Honours), F.I.I.I.,           connectivity features in cars,  digitalization  of entire
                        Retired Chief Manager,                processes. Toll tax process is being abolished and now
                        H.O. National Insurance Co. Ltd., Kolkata.
                                                              onwards when your vehicle will touch any National High
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2022 19
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