Page 20 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 20

Way, the CCTV Camera will immediately identify the vehicle FAQs about car insurance for electric vehicles
          and the corresponding tax will be debited automatically
                                                              (who considers to buy):
          from the bank account of the owner of the vehicle. The most
                                                                 Do you have to get car insurance for your electric car
          noteworthy change among these is the increasing adoption
                                                                 in India?
          of electric vehicles (EVs). Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                 Which type of insurance is best for your electric car?
          electric vehicles (EVs) manufacturers sold 5,32,485 units in
          India  during  the  last  two  financial  years.  With  the  How is the premium calculated for your electric car
          Government  pushing  for  complete  electric  mobility  insurance?
          &continuous rising fuel prices, these figures will expand by
                                                                 Does  electric  vehicle  insurance  cost  more  than
          26% between 2021 and 2023.
                                                                 insurance for petrol or diesel vehicles?
                                                                 Are the covers of ICEs & EVs same & adequate to cover
          So, if you are planning to buy a new car soon, you should
                                                                 the actual requirements?
          start looking at the futuristic Electric Vehicle (EV) options.
          Almost all top  automobile brands in India have started  What perils, hazards, risks and accidents are available
          offering electric cars to their customers. You can select from  to the car owner, driver, occupants & third parties.
          a range of impressive options from some world-renowned
          car manufacturers.
                                                              Prevailing Current Backdrop:
                                                              In the last few years, electric cars have been creating a buzz
          At the same time, you need your car insurance for covering
                                                              around the world and for good reasons. With climate change
          your Electric Vehicle to ply on the road covering under a basic
                                                              looming over us, switching to electric car is the best decision
          cover (mandatorily the Third-party Liability i.e., Act-only
                                                              you can make for yourself and future generations. They
          policy must be taken by you for covering fatal damage /
                                                              reduce harmful air pollution and greenhouse emissions, and
          grievous heart of the passersby on the road) from any of
                                                              some parts of these cars are made from eco-friendly or
          PSU or Private General insurance companies in India (availed
                                                              recycled materials, reducing the burden on the planet.
          under either on-line/ off-line mode) to protect against:
          a.  Accidents: Damages and losses that may arise out of
                                                              As per a NITI Aayog report, India could save 64% of energy
             accidents and collisions with the other vehicles, tree
                                                              demand for road transport and 37% of carbon emissions by
             and / or other street side objects.
                                                              2030 by pursuing a policy of shared, electric, and connected
          b.  Theft: Covers for the losses incurred when your car is  mobility.
             unfortunately stolen.
          c.  Fire: Damages and losses caused to your car due to an  While the momentum for upcoming electric cars in India is
                                                              just taking  off,  it holds  a  promising  future  with  the
             accidental external & internal fire due heat/flame.
                                                              government taking some encouraging steps to further this
          d.  Natural Disasters: Damages and losses to your car in
                                                              movement. For example, the GST on a Li-ion electric car
             case of natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, etc.
                                                              battery has been reduced from 28% to 18% to promote EVs.
          e.  Personal  Accident: If there is a car accident and
             unfortunately, it leads to death or disability of the
          f.  Third Party Losses: In cases  where your car causes
             damages and losses to someone else, their car or

          Although the cost of buying electric car insurance is on the
          higher side, there are many advantages to purchasing an
          electric car. Some of them include low maintenance charges,
          freedom from fuel price hikes, and reduced pollution levels.
          Moreover, you can get EV car insurance discounts by buying
          an online policy and installing anti-theft devices in your car.

           20  The Insurance Times, October 2022
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