Page 10 - Insurance Times July 2019
P. 10
LIC of India
LIC named as one of the LIC revises rule to increase maternity leave to 15 months
LIC has revised the rule in order to provide its female employees maternity leave
most-trusted brands in
of 15 months during their service period. Ac-
India: Report cording to the revised rules for maternity
According to TRA's Brand Trust Re- leaves notified by the Finance Ministry, an
port 2019, employee will get a maximum of 15 months of
LIC has maternity leave during her service period.
em erged The norms cover employees of Class-I officers,
as one of Development Officers and Class III/IV and have
the most- come into effect from May 31, 2019. As per the notification, the maternity leave
trusted brand in the country to fea- may be approved for a period which may extend up to six months at a stretch,
ture in the top-seven brands. subject to a maximum of 15 months during the entire period of the employee's
service. The leave will be for six months at a stretch each for the first and the
Meanwhile, e-commerce giant Ama-
second child, but three months for the third child.
zon and Apple iPhone secured fourth
and fifth positions, respectively, the The two conditions have also been specified by the revised rule, firstly, the leave
report said. South Korean brands may be granted once during the service to a childless female officer for adopt-
Samsung in the mobile phone cat- ing a child, who is below the age of one year, through a proper legal process
egory and LG for television took the and on submission of a certified copy of the adoption to the corporation. The
fifth and the sixth positions, respec- maximum period of leave shall be 12 weeks or till the child attains the age of
tively. Aviva Life Insurance, Maruti one, whichever is earlier.
Suzuki and State Bank of India were
The second condition provides for granting of a maximum of 12 weeks of leave,
placed on eighth, ninth and tenth po-
once during the service, to a childless 'commissioning mother' (a biological
sitions, respectively, in the report.
mother who uses her egg to create an embryo implanted in another woman)
Twenty-three Tata group brands, the from the date of birth of the child. This leave may be used for one child till the
largest, figures among the top 1,000 child turns one year.
brands in India's Most Trusted
These new norms are on the basis on the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act
Brands list. This is followed by
2017. The Act provided increasing the maximum period of maternity benefit
Godrej, which has 15 brands, Amul
from the existing 12 weeks to 26 weeks, in case of women who have less than
with 11 brands and Samsung with 8
two surviving children; in other cases, the existing period of 12 weeks' mater-
brands, figuring in the most-trusted
nity benefit will continue. It talked about extending the maternity benefits to
brands list.
'commissioning' and adopting mothers, and they will be entitled to 12 weeks'
Among India's 1,000 most-trusted maternity benefit from the date the child is handed over.
brands, the categories with the
The Act also has an enabling provision to facilitate work-from-home for moth-
maximum brands were food and
ers. There is also a provision to make it mandatory for establishments with 50
beverage and fast-moving consumer
or more employees, to have a crèche either individually or as a shared com-
goods contributing to 26.8% of the
mon facility within such distance as may be prescribed by rules and also to allow
total brands in the listings.
mothers four visits to the crèche, including the interval for rest allowed to them.
10 The Insurance Times, July 2019