Page 25 - Banking Finance September 2024
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         are safe, transparent, and accessible to investors across  Market Risk Management: SEBI requires mutual
         the country.                                            funds  to  adopt  strategies to  manage  volatility  and
                                                                 potential losses in asset prices. AMCs must use risk
         2. Enhanced Disclosure Norms                            metrics  like  Value  at  Risk  (VaR)  to  measure  the
         Transparency  is  one  of  the  cornerstones  of  SEBI’s  potential losses  in different market conditions.
         regulatory  approach. Over  time,  SEBI  has  introduced
                                                                 Liquidity Risk: One of the key challenges for mutual
         enhanced disclosure norms that make mutual funds more
                                                                 funds is liquidity risk, i.e., the risk of being unable
         accountable  to  investors.  These  norms  ensure  that
                                                                 to meet redemption requests. To mitigate this, SEBI
         investors have access to relevant and timely information  mandates that AMCs must keep a portion of the fund
         to make  informed decisions.
                                                                 in liquid assets and set limits on illiquid securities.
             Monthly  Portfolio  Disclosure: Mutual funds are
             required to disclose their entire portfolio holdings on  Credit Risk Management: For debt mutual funds,
             their  websites  at  least  once  a  month.  This  allows  SEBI has strict guidelines on investing in credit-rated
             investors to see exactly where their money is invested  instruments to reduce the risk of default. AMCs are
             and assess the performance and risk level of the fund.  required to conduct rigorous due  diligence  before
                                                                 investing  in  bonds,  debentures,  or  any  debt
             Key  Information  Memorandum  (KIM):  Before
             investing, potential investors are given access to the
             KIM, which highlights the  essential features of  the  Risk-Weighted Asset Allocation: SEBI encourages
             mutual  fund  scheme,  including  its  investment   mutual funds to diversify their portfolios across asset
             objectives, risks, and past  performance. This helps  classes  and  sectors  to  manage  concentration  risk.
             investors  understand  the  product  before  making  This helps to spread risk and avoid overexposure to
             investment decisions.                               any single asset class or security.

             Total  Expense Ratio (TER): SEBI mandates that      Stress  Testing:  Mutual funds are  also required to
             mutual  funds  disclose  their  TER  to  investors,
                                                                 conduct  regular stress testing to evaluate how their
             ensuring they are aware of the costs associated with
                                                                 portfolios would perform under extreme but plausible
             managing  the  fund.  AMCs  must  also  explain  how
                                                                 adverse  market  conditions.  This  allows  AMCs  to
             changes in the TER affect the returns on the fund.
                                                                 anticipate  and manage  risks more effectively.
             Risk-O-Meter:  To  simplify  the  understanding  of
             risk,  SEBI  introduced  the  Risk-O-Meter,  which  Conclusion
             categorizes mutual funds into six levels of risk: low,  The  regulatory framework for mutual funds in India  is
             moderately  low, moderate,  moderately  high,  high,  robust and continuously  evolving, with SEBI playing a
             and very high. This visual tool helps investors align
                                                              proactive  role  in  ensuring  that  mutual  funds  operate
             their risk tolerance with the risk level of the scheme.
                                                              transparently, safely, and efficiently. The Mutual Funds
                                                              Regulations of 1996 laid the foundation for the industry,
         Enhanced disclosure norms have increased transparency
                                                              while  Enhanced  Disclosure  Norms  and  the  Risk
         and  accountability,  allowing  investors  to  track  the
                                                              Management  Frameworks  ensure  transparency,
         performance of their mutual funds more closely and make
                                                              accountability,  and  risk  mitigation.  These  regulations
         well-informed choices.
                                                              have  fostered  a  strong  and  trustworthy  mutual  fund
         3. Risk Management Frameworks                        ecosystem in India, ensuring the protection of investors
         Effective risk management is crucial in the mutual fund  and promoting sustainable growth.
         industry, as these investments are exposed to various risks,
         including market risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk. SEBI  As  the  mutual  fund  industry  continues to grow, these
         has  laid  down  a  comprehensive  Risk  Management  regulations  and  guidelines  will  likely  see  further
         Framework to ensure that mutual funds manage these risks  refinement, keeping pace with global best practices and
         in a systematic manner. Some key components include:  market changes to protect investor interests effectively.

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