Page 27 - Banking Finance September 2024
P. 27


             minimizes  the  impact  of  market  volatility,  making  index funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). These
             SIPs an attractive option for long-term investors.  funds offer investors a low-cost, transparent, and efficient
                                                              way to gain exposure to broad market indices.
         3. Convenience  and  Flexibility:  SIPs  offer
             unparalleled  convenience  and  flexibility,  allowing
             investors to start with as little as INR 500 per month.  Key Drivers of Passive Investing Growth
             The automatic deduction of SIP amounts from bank  1. Cost Efficiency: One of the primary drivers of the
             accounts ensures a disciplined approach to investing,  rise in passive investing is its cost efficiency. Passive
             which  is  crucial  for  long-term  wealth  creation.  funds generally have lower expense ratios compared
             Investors  also  have  the  flexibility  to  increase  or  to  actively  managed  funds  because  they  do  not
             decrease  their SIP amounts, pause investments, or  require extensive research or active management. In
             even discontinue SIPs without any penalty.          a price-sensitive market like India, lower costs have
                                                                 been a significant factor in the increasing popularity
         4. Rising Popularity of Equity Mutual Funds: Equity
                                                                 of index funds and ETFs.
             mutual  funds  have  gained  traction  among  Indian
             investors seeking higher returns in a low-interest-rate  2. Market  Efficiency  Hypothesis:  The  belief  that
             environment. As a result, SIPs in equity funds have  markets  are  efficient  and  that  it  is  difficult  to
             seen significant inflows, with investors using SIPs as  consistently  outperform  the market  through  active
             a means to participate in the equity markets without  management has led many investors to prefer passive
             the need for large, lump-sum investments.           investing. By simply tracking an index, investors can
                                                                 achieve market returns without  the  risks associated
         Data on SIP Growth                                      with active stock selection.
         The  growth of SIPs in India has been nothing short of  3. Performance  of  Active  vs.  Passive  Funds: In
         phenomenal. According to data from the Association of   recent years, a growing number of actively managed
         Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), the total SIP contribution  funds have struggled to outperform their benchmark
         in India crossed INR 1 lakh crore  for the first  time  in  indices,  leading investors to question  the value of
         the  financial  year  2021-22,  marking  a  significant  active management. This trend has further fueled the
         milestone.  As  of  July  2024,  the  total  number  of  SIP  shift towards passive  investing, where investors can
         accounts stood at over 6 crore, with monthly SIP inflows
         consistently  exceeding INR 14,000 crore.

         The  average  SIP  ticket  size  has  also  seen  a  gradual
         increase, reflecting  the  growing  confidence of investors
         in  this  investment  method.  From  an  average  SIP
         contribution of INR 2,000 per month in 2010, the figure
         has now increased to approximately INR 3,500 per month
         in 2024. This growth is indicative of the trust that Indian
         investors have placed in SIPs as a reliable and effective
         tool for long-term wealth creation.

         The Rise of Passive Investing
         Passive investing, which involves investing in funds that
         track  a  market  index  rather  than  actively  selecting
         individual securities,  has  gained  significant traction  in
         India.  The  primary  vehicles  for  passive  investing  are

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