Page 37 - Banking Finance September 2024
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          to  be  demonstrated  to  filter  out  advice  given  by  be  beneficial,  as  finance  planning  and  investing
          Finfluencers.                                          advisory is a  time  intensive  activity)
                                                                 Allowing other  Professionals like Doctors, Lawyers
          While  these  are favourable points, there  are  both grey
                                                                 etc  to  register  (again  this  underplays  the
          and black areas too, like Finfluencers provide stock tips,
                                                                 specialization required for being a financial service
          promote  high  risk  products  e.g.  F&Os  and  promote
          products without taking into consideration the risk profile
          of  their  followers  or  divulging  the  sponsorship,  paid  Display category of IA or RA on MITC, and many more
          promotional element of their posts and pecuniary linkage
                                                              This is indeed a progressive step by the regulator to increase
          with financial institutions. The uninitiated followers get
          impressed  by  glitzy  presentations,  stories  of  success  formalisation of  financial advisory, that should lead to
          without realising the pitfalls, downsides and market risks  increased registrations of individuals and entities as IA, RA
          associated  with  promoted  investment  products.  This  or both and SEBI hopes that the increased number of IAs
          aspect of some of the finfluencers casts aspersion on the  and RAs will help counter the growth in popularity of the
          entire  finfluencer  community  thereby  resulting  in  a  Finfluencers. The success of any regulation, is not in the
          negative sentiment and undoing any good work that may  regulation per se but in the execution, monitoring  and
          be  attributed  to them  in  terms  of  promoting  financial  supervision of the same. Only outcome and time will tell the
          awareness, attitudes and behaviour.                 effectiveness of the regulation.

          Post the SEBI Consultation paper, some of the finfluencers  In  conclusion, there are no easy  solutions, the  task of
          have  pivoted and refrained from sharing stock tips and  regulator, SEBI, is challenging and sensitive, it needs to
          focussed more on financial awareness and education. Still,  protect investor interest, maintain trust, discipline and fair
          Finfluencers currently are not seen in good light by the  practices in financial markets while providing an enabling
          regulators  and  are  considered  systemic  risk.  SEBI  environment  for  spreading  financial  awareness  and
          received suggestions, views, opinions and representations  education. In so far, the finfluencers are concerned, self-
          from  ecosystem  participation  post  publishing  the  regulation  and self-discipline will decide  whether  they
          Consultation paper in August'2023. In August 2024 SEBI  survive or perish. Their deeds alone will either help them
          published another consultation paper titled "Consultation  to emerge stronger or push them to deeper recesses of shady
          Paper on Review of Regulatory Framework for Investment  online platforms. In times to come initiatives like Virtual-
          Advisers  and  Research  Analysts"  asking  for  public  influencers, AI (algorithm driven) trading advice and more
          comments with the objective of "simplifying, easing and  such technology assisted financial planning interventions will
          reducing  the  cost  of  compliance"  for  registered  lead  to,  providers  innovating  with  products,  services,
          Investment  Advisors (IAs) and research analysts  (RAs).  consumers yearning for more and regulators being ever
          This is an accommodative gesture on part of SEBI and  vigilant and on their toes. The success lies in making trust,
          compared to the combative stance of Consultation paper  transparency, compliance and collaboration as co-travellers
          in 2023, 2024 Consultation paper is aimed to encourage  in this interesting growth journey.
          individual and entities to register with SEBI and extend
          regulatory  coverage,  supervision  and  monitoring.  The
          Consultation paper is fairly  detailed, salient points that
                                                                       First  Mutual  Fund  Ever
          are pertinent to the premise of this article are:
                                                               The first-ever  mutual fund  was launched  in the
             Defining the categories of Investment Advisors (IAs)
                                                               Netherlands in 1774. It was called "Eendragt Maakt
             and Research Analyst (RAs)
                                                               Magt" (Unity Creates Strength) and was created by
             Provision of registering for both categories      a Dutch merchant named Adriaan van Ketwich. This
             Lowering  the  qualifying  criteria,  funding  and  fund  aimed  to provide small  investors  with the
             education qualification (from PG to UG) requirements  opportunity to diversify their investments.

             Allowing part time registration (though this might not

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