Page 51 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 51


         Frauds in Banking

         Sector and Role of

         AI in Fraud

         Management                                                                           Chief Manager Faculty
                                                                                               Goutham Gosai

                                                                                                      ULA Bhopal
                                                                                               Union Bank of India

           The banking sector, a cornerstone of the Indian economy, plays a critical role in driving financial
           inclusion and stability. However, it has not been immune to fraudulent practices, which jeopardize
           not only the financial institutions but also the trust of the populace.

          Introduction                                        frauds saw a substantial decrease of 46.7%, amounting
                                                              to Rs 13,930 crore
          The banking sector, a cornerstone of the Indian economy,
          plays a critical role in driving financial inclusion and sta-
          bility. However, it has not been immune  to fraudulent  Indians lost more  than Rs 1,750 crore  to cyber crimi-
          practices, which jeopardize not only the financial institu-  nals in the first four months of 2024 with over 7 lakh 40
          tions  but  also the trust  of  the populace. Understanding  thousand cybercrime complaints being registered on the
          fraud perpetrators, their methodologies, and motivations  National Cybercrime Reporting Portal run by the minis-
          is  vital  to  curtailing  these  malpractices.  This  article  try of home affairs between January to April 2024. Ac-
          delves  into  the  landscape  of  banking  frauds  in  India,  cording  to  Indian  Cyber  Crime  Coordination  Centre
          providing insights into why and how they occur and sug-  (I4C), on an average 7,000 cybercrime complaints were
          gesting robust measures  for prevention.            registered  per  day  in  May  2024,  a  jump  of  113.7%
                                                              between 2021-2023 and 60.9% from 2022-2023, and
          The Landscape of Banking Frauds in India            85%of them were financial only
          Banking frauds in India  have  been a  growing concern,
          reflected in increased incidences of large-scale financial  These  figures, while alarming, underscore  the pressing
          crimes. According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI),  need for stringent controls and vigilant monitoring.
          the  financial year 2021-22  witnessed a total of 9,103
                                                              Key Perpetrators and Their Methods
          frauds  involving  ?60,389 crore  in the Indian  banking
          sector. Latest  RBI report highlights a  significant rise  in  Fraud perpetrators in the banking sector can be broadly
          the number of banking frauds to 36,075 in the fiscal year  categorized  into  individuals  (internal  or  external)  and
          2023-24, marking a year-on-year increase. However, on  organized groups. Here's a deeper look into their modus
          the  positive side,  the total  amount implicated  in  these  operandi:

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