Page 52 - Banking Finance October 2024
P. 52


          1. Internal Fraudsters:                             2. Greed and Opportunity:
          Internal fraud involves collusion of bank staff or execu-  The confluence of personal financial greed and ample
          tives who exploit their positions of trust to commit fraud.  opportunities in loosely monitored systems is a  sig-
          Common tactics include:                                nificant driver of fraudulent actions.
             Misappropriation of assets: Employees divert funds
             for personal gain.                               3. Lack of Vigilance and Regulatory Loop-
             Forgery: Alteration of documents and signatures to  holes:
             authorize unauthorized transactions.                Delayed regulatory updates and the lack of stringent
                                                                 compliance mechanisms contribute to systemic weak-
             Overriding controls: Executives bypass established
             procedures and internal  controls  to  facilitate  illicit
                                                              4. Technical Advancements:
          2. External Fraudsters :                               While  technology  advancements  have  streamlined
                                                                 banking processes, they  have  also provided sophis-
          External fraud  often  involves  customers,  outsiders, or
                                                                 ticated tools for fraudsters to exploit  vulnerabilities
          professional fraud syndicates. Methods include:
                                                                 in digital infrastructures.
             Identity theft: Using stolen personal information to
             commit financial fraud.
                                                              Strategies to Curtail Banking Frauds
             Credit card fraud: Duplication and unauthorized use
                                                              Mitigating  banking frauds requires an amalgamation of
             of debit/credit  cards.
                                                              technological innovation, stringent policy frameworks, and
             Phishing and cyber-attacks: Gaining access to sen-  a  culture  of vigilance  and integrity. Here are some  ef-
             sitive banking information via fraudulent communication.  fective strategies:
                                                              1. Strengthening Internal Controls:
          Why Frauds Occur?                                      Enhancing internal controls through regular audits,
          There are Several factors contribute to the prevalence of  employee background  checks, and segregating du-
          banking frauds in India, let us try to understand that why  ties can diminish opportunities for internal fraud.
          the frauds occur.:
          1. Systemic Vulnerabilities:                        2. Advanced Technology Deployment:
             Outdated technology systems, weak internal controls,  Implementing  robust  cybersecurity  measures,  AI-
             and  inadequate  risk  management  frameworks  can  based fraud detection systems, and blockchain tech-
             create an environment conducive to fraud.           nology can safeguard against external threats. Real-
                                                                 time transaction monitoring and predictive analytics
                                                                 help in prompt anomaly detection.

                                                              3. Regulatory Enhancements:
                                                                 Banking regulators must update frameworks to keep
                                                                 pace with evolving risks. Stricter KYC  (Know Your
                                                                 Customer) and AML  (Anti-Money  Laundering) pro-
                                                                 tocols  are  essential  for  reducing  identity-based

                                                              4. Employee Training and Awareness:
                                                                 Continuous staff training programs focusing on ethi-
                                                                 cal conduct, fraud awareness, and compliance can fos-
                                                                 ter a culture of vigilance.

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