Page 46 - Insurance Times April 2020
P. 46

The Insurance Times Technical

                        Research Paper Competition

                     Last Date of Submission extended to 30th June 2020

          Guidelines for participation in the contest         10.  The topic for the technical/research paper writing con-
                                                                 test should be related to
          1. The Technical/Research Paper Writing Contest 2020 is  1. General Insurance
             back and open to all in India and Abroad.
                                                                 2. Life Insurance
          2. The paper must be original contribution in the form of
             essay, research paper, technical paper or case study.  3. Reinsurance
          3. Once you decide to participate in the contest please send  4. Risk Management and related areas
             us en email with the proposed topic and information  5. Actuarial aspects
             mentioned    in   point   14   via   email   at     6. Information Technology/Insuretech / Artificial Intel-
                                                                     ligence/Blockchain   / Telematics in Insurance
          4. The contribution must be an exclusive and should not  7. Innovation in product development
             have been published elsewhere in same or modified
             form. The paper should be original and well researched.  8. Corporate Governance in Insurance
          5. Length of the paper: Minimum 3500 words and Maxi-   9. Innovation in Customer Services
             mum 7500 words.                                  11. The paper with thought provoking ideas, indepth analy-
          6. Rules for formatting text are as under:             sis of current scenario, challenges, Opportunities based
                                                                 on authenticated data will be given preference.
             a) Page size A4
                                                              12. The Article must also contain an abstract not exceeding
             b) Font: Arial
                                                                 500 words.
             c)  Line spacing: 1.5 Leading
                                                              13. The Technical/Research Paper and abstract must be
             d) Font size: Arial 12                              sent through e-mail on
             e) Major heading:  14                               and should reach us not later than 30th April, 2020.
             f)  Subheading Bold:  12                         14. The author(s) must submit the following details along
                                                                 with the covering letter
          7. All the diagrams, tables and charts cited in the paper
             must be serially numbered and source should be men-  Name of the Author (s)
             tioned  clearly  wherever  required.  Proper        Residential Address
             acknowledgement and bibliography must be given if
             reference is taken from any source.  The data used in  Office Name & Address
             the article must be taken from verified source.     Contact No.(Mobile/ Landline No.)
          8. The paper would be subject to plagiarism check. If it is  Qualification
             found that article contains copied matter from site/pub-
             lished article or any other source the entry would be re-  Date of Birth
             jected outright.                                    Email ID
          9.  The award would be decided by our Technical/Research  Brief Introduction and Experience
             Paper Award Committee and all the decision of the Com-
             mittee would be final.                              Attach Passport size Photograph

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