Page 44 - Insurance Times April 2020
P. 44


                    Insurance Sector - Reforms and


         I     n the light of many reforms and developments in the  sion. He appreciated the effort of the Institute in bringing

               Indian Insurance Industry, Akshara Institute of Man-
                                                              out an edited volume comprising selected papers accepted
               agement Studies, Shivamogga (Karnataka) organised
                                                              for presentation and stated how the current generation of
               a one-day National level seminar on 'Insurance Sec-
                                                              the ever-changing social environment.
               tor  - Reforms  and Developments'  on 9.2.20. The  students and researchers are better equipped to adapt to
         Seminar was well represented by Professionals, Academi-
         cians, Researchers and Students.                     Sri. Ashok Naik, MLA, Shivamogga (Rural) presided over the
                                                              inaugural function. Prof. Madegowda, Dean (Academics),
         Dr. Veerabhadrappa, Vice-chancellor of Kuvempu Univer-  introduced the guests and welcomed them. Prof. Girisha,
         sity who inaugurated the Seminar spoke about the impor-
         tance of Insurance in developing countries like India and
         its economic relevance. He stressed on the need for pricing
         insurance products on line of affordability and products
         matching customer requirements.

                                                              Director of the Institute proposed the vote of thanks.

                                                              After the inaugural function, Technical Session (Paper Pre-
                                                              sentation) commenced and it was chaired by Dr Ramesh,
                                                              Professor of Management and Finance Officer, Kuvempu
                                                              University, and the keynote address was delivered by Prof
         Prof CMA Narasimha Murthy, International Management  Jaswanth Singh  G, Insurance (InsureTech) and Pensions
         Consultant, Insurance Specialist, in his Key-note address  Domain Consultant and Faculty. Prof. Manjunath H R Fac-
         stated  that  even  after  70  and  odd  years  of  India's  ulty member of AIMS was the rapporteur. In his key-note
         independence, Indian Insurance industry is still lagging far  address on 'Insurance - The Road ahead', Prof. Jaswanth
         behind. He stressed on the fact that a vibrant Insurance  Singh  G  gave  a  complete  overview  of  the  latest
         Industry in India can facilitate realisation of the new dream  developments in the Insurance Industry and the current
         of five  trillion economy, as it can generate  investments  trends in the industry.
         through  domestic  savings,  generation  of  immense
         employment and self-employment opportunities, increase  Sri  Manjunath, Management  Consultant, delivered the
         in the living standards, and mitigate social misery of sickness.  valedictory address summing up the proceedings of the
                                                              seminar, and highlighting importance of availing lucrative
         Prof CS Thyagarajan R V, Company Secretary and Visiting  career in Insurance and the need to equip with necessary
         Professor, Mount Carmel PG Departments of Commerce   skills through academic and technical programs and certi-
         and Management, release the book brought on the occa-  fications.

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