Page 39 - Insurance Times April 2020
P. 39

volume of cyber frauds especially in banks has doubled  cyber-attacks. It must develop sound business continuity
             in a year. Total cases of cyber fraud reported in the year  plans to overcome any cyber threats and recover after cyber
             2017-18 was 2059 amounting to Rs.109.6Crs against  breach.
             1372 cases amounting to Rs.42.30 Crs in the year 2016-
             17.                                              Government initiatives: Government of India has taken

            Lack of awareness about cyber space & the threats.  several measures to strengthen cyber space. Some of the
                                                              initiatives are launch of National Cyber Security Policy,
         How to combat Cyber security threat:                 setting up of National Cyber Security Coordination Centre

         Up -skilling: Cyber security is not the sole responsibility of IT  (NCSCC),  National  Critical  Information  Infrastructure
                                                              Protection Centre (NCIIPC) and Cyber Swachhta Kendra etc.
         department of an organisation, rather each staff members  Cyber  Insurance:  Steps  to  improve  cyber  security
         must be aware of the cyber-attacks and act diligently. It is  preparedness alone  cannot  protect  an  entity, what  is
         necessary to create awareness among the staff members  required further is insurance policies that can offset financial
         about the crime-taking place in cyber space from time to  loss when breach occurs. Cyber insurance is proving to be a
         time.                                                key tool in risk management and cost offsetting measure

         Organisational understanding: Every entity must try to  for business entity.
         develop a policy on cyber security and must work within the
         guidelines laid down in the policy. It may include measures Cyber Insurance - Road Ahead:

         like restriction on sharing of official data, restriction on access  Cyber Insurance is one of the fastest growing business in the
         to sensitive information, data management system etc.  Insurance industry. With the increase instances of cyber-
                                                              attacks, it is no longer just the matter of IT industry. Several
         Continues monitoring: Continuous monitoring mechanism  survey suggests that, cyber risks has emerged as one of the
         should be adopted to provide proactive and real time alerts  important agenda in board meetings of several corporates.
         of cyber security related events.                    The impact of cyber-attacks can be significant ranging from

         Responsive:  Appropriate  measures  to  be  implement  reputational loss to financial loss. CISCO 2018, Annual cyber
         immediately upon detection of cyber-attacks to prevent  security report stated that of all cyber-attacks resulted in
         major loss.                                          financial damage of over USD 5.00 lacs, other risks include
                                                              - loss of brand reputation, litigations, loss of customer base
         Perpetual planning:Business Entity must be resilient to  and market base etc.

          Figure 1 Stakeholders in cyber insurance, source secondary data
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