Page 35 - Insurance Times April 2020
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norms specified in the above referred guidelines or may  2.    Reference is also invited to the provisions of Regulation
             be offered as a temporary relief for a period of twelve  27 of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 that
             months (one policy year) in respect of all the health  specified norms on settlement / rejection of claim by
             insurance policies that are due for renewal up to 31st  insurers. In terms of Regulation 26 of these Regulations,
             March, 2021. Towards this, the provision of clause 3.9  inter alia, insurers shall establish systems, procedures
             of the above referred guidelines that mandate a gap  to enable efficient issuance of pre authorisations on a
             of at least 12 months for effecting minor modifications  24 hour basis and for prompt settlement of claims.
             stands relaxed.
                                                              3.    In light of prevailing conditions owing to COVID 19 as
         5.   The matter of availability of facility of payment of  also taking into consideration the need for alleviating
             premiums in instalments and the conditions thereon  the pressure on the healthcare infrastructure all the
             shall be suitably published in the website of every  insurers  shall  decide  health  insurance  claims
             insurance company.                                  expeditiously. In order to ensure all health insurance
                                                                 claims are responded to quickly, insurers are directed
         6. Where  the  facility  of  payment  of  premiums  in  to comply with the following timelines:
             instalments is offered  in respect  of  any  product /
             products the same shall be offered to all policyholders  a.    Decision on authorization for cashless treatment shall
             without any discrimination and policyholders shall be also  be communicated to the network provider (hospital)
             notified of the applicable conditions.              within  two  hours  from  the  time  of  receipt  of
                                                                 authorization request and last necessary requirement
         7.    Specific consent of having agreed to the conditions shall  from the hospital either to the insurer or to the TPA
             be obtained from the policyholders.                 whichever is earlier.

         8.    The names of the products that are offered the facility  b.    Decision on final discharge shall be communicated to
             of  payment  of  premiums  in  instalments  shall  be  the network provider within two hours from the time
             published in the websites of insurers for the information  of receipt of final bill and last necessary requirement
             of policyholders.                                   from the hospital either to the insurer or to the TPA
                                                                 whichever is earlier.
         9.    The  details  of  products  in  respect  of  which  the
             Instalments facility is made available shall be filed with  4.    Insurers are advised to issue appropriate guidelines to
             the Authority as per Annexure – 1 specified in the  their respective Third Party Administrators.
             within referred guidelines and within seven days from
             the date of offering the facility. There will no change  5.    These guidelines are issued under the powers vested
             to the UIN allotted to the product.                 with Regulation 27 (vi) of IRDAI (Health Insurance)
                                                                 Regulations, 2016 read with Section 34 (1) of Insurance
         10. These Guidelines are issued under the powers vested  Act, 1938.
             in Section 34 (1) of Insurance Act, 1938 read with                          T L Alamelu, Member (NL)
             Regulation 2(i)(g) read with Regulation 2 (i)(o) of IRDAI
             (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016.            Premium payment for renewal of Motor
                       D V S Ramesh, General Manager (Health)
                                                              Third Party Insurance policies falling due

         Norms  on  settlement  of  health                    during the lockdown period
         insurance claims                                        Further to Circular Ref: IRDAI/NL/CIR/MOT/079/04/2020

         1.    Reference is invited to the Circular Ref. No. IRDAI/HLT/  dated 2nd April, 2020, it is hereby informed that the
                                                                 Department of Financial Services, Government of India
             REG/CIR/054/03/2020dated 04th March, 2020 wherein   has issued Notification dated 15th April, 2020 wherein
             all insurers were advised to expeditiously handle the  it has amended the Order issued vide S.O.1237(E) dated
             health insurance claims pertaining to COVID 19.
                                                                 1st April, 2020 on the subject.
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