Page 14 - The Insurance Times August 2022
P. 14

ADIA eyes stake in Aditya         strophic when it accounts for 25% or  Capital Region and even Gujarat, Na-
                                            more of the total annual consumption  tional  Insurance  Company  general
          Birla Health Insurance
                                            expenditure of a household.        manager Ashok  Kumar  Lahoty  told
          Abu  Dhabi  Investment  Authority                                    TOI. "The loss ratio in Zone 1, which
                                            "The reliance on a poorly regulated
          (ADIA)  is  in  talks  with  Aditya  Birla                           has Gujarat, is highest at 92% for some
                                            private sector seems to be a key limi-
          Group to invest around Rs 1,200-1,500                                of our products. Zone 3 (where Kolkata
                                            tation  of PFHI  policy.  Governments
          crore in the Aditya Birla health insur-                              lies) has a loss ratio of 80%-82%," he
                                            need to find more effective ways of
          ance arm as growth equity, people in                                 added.
                                            protecting  the  elderly  from  cata-
          the know said.
                                            strophic health expenditure if the goal
          Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co Ltd  of UHC (universal health coverage) has Life insurers may soon sell
          (ABHICL)  is  one  of  five  active  to be realised," stated the study.
                                                                               health insurance
          standalone health insurance companies
                                                                               IRDAI is planning to allow life insurance
          with a 14% market share of the gross
                                            Health Insurance may be
          underwritten  premium  in  the  first                                companies to offer full-fledged health
          three months of the current fiscal year, cheaper in Kolkata          insurance policies, two people with di-
                                                                               rect knowledge of the plans said, in a
          according to data from the IRDAI.  Kolkata residents may soon have to pay
                                                                               move that will likely reduce premiums
                                            a lower health insurance premium than
                                                                               and  increase  access  to  affordable
          Public  health  cover  no         those  staying  in  other  metros  like
                                                                               health cover.
                                            Mumbai,  Delhi,  Bengaluru  and
          shield  against  high  ex-
                                            Hyderabad.                         An internal committee  of IRDAI has
          penses: Study                     Several health and general insurance  been discussing the proposal and the
                                                                               regulator is likely to issue draft guide-
          The  first  study  in  India  on  publicly  companies are coming up with a sys-
                                                                               lines allowing life insurers to sell indem-
          funded health insurance (PFHI) in the  tem in which different zones and areas
                                                                               nity health insurance products.
          context of "catastrophic health expen-  will have different premiums following
          diture" faced by the elderly found that  deregulation  of  the  sector  by  the  "Life insurance companies inherently
          it was not effective in financially pro-  IRDAI. A city or zone with a lower "loss  get more customers than health insur-
          tecting  them. Around 30% of those  ratio" (actual claims compared to ev-  ers in the retail space, which will help
          under  publicly  funded health cover  ery Rs 100 paid as premium) will now  them get more people covered under
          faced catastrophic expenditure during  get to pay a lower premium if other  medical insurance at more affordable
          hospitalisation at private facilities and  factors  (like  type  of  policy  and  age  premiums," one of  the two  people
          about 7% of even those using public  group of the insured) remain the same.  cited above said.
          facilities faced it.
                                            Kolkata had a much lower loss ratio  "With captive customers, larger distri-
          Health expenditure is considered cata-  compared to Mumbai,  the National  bution networks and higher disposable

          14  The Insurance Times, August 2022
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