Page 19 - The Insurance Times August 2022
P. 19

As per GlobalData, the growth will be  such as railway projects, green energy,  America’s PA&H insurance premiums.
          driven by a strong real estate market,  and  urban  and  rural  development  Supported by the recovery in employ-
          rising  demand for health insurance  projects will further support property  ment, easing of travel restrictions, and
          policies, and recovery in new vehicle  insurance growth.             double-digit enrolments in the Medic-
          sales.                                                               aid program, which increased the de-
                                            Personal accident and health (PA&H)
                                                                               mand  for  PA&H  policies.  The  US’s
          Shabbir Ansari, Senior Insurance Ana-  insurance was the third-largest  line,
                                                                               PA&H insurance industry grew by 5.3%
          lyst  at  GlobalData, comments:  “The  accounting for a 11% share of general
                                                                               in 2021.
          general insurance industry in Taiwan is  insurance  premiums  in  2021.  The
          expected to register a slower growth  PA&H line registered 13.4% growth in  Katam Prasanth, Insurance Analyst at
          of  3.5%  in  2022  after  registering  2021. Increasing healthcare costs, and  GlobalData, comments: “A prime focus
          double-digit growth of 10.1% in 2021.  a surge in health insurance demand  area  for PA&H  insurers  will  be  the
          Sluggish growth in motor insurance,  due to increased awareness supported  changed  abortion rules  and regula-
          which accounts for over  50% of the  the  growth  of PA&H insurance. It  is  tions in North America following the
          general  insurance  premiums,  is  ex-  expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1%  US Supreme Court’s decision to over-
          pected to impact the industry growth.  during 2021-26.               turn Roe v Wade. With 50% of the US
          However, the industry is expected to                                 states expected to enact the ruling,
                                            Marine, aviation and transit  (MAT),
          recover from 2023 onwards and wit-                                   insurers will have to amend their poli-
                                            Miscellaneous, Liability and Financial
          ness  an upward  growth trend  sup-                                  cies to accommodate this change.”
                                            Lines insurance accounted for the re-
          ported by the economic stability and
                                            maining 18% share in 2021.         The ruling will also have an impact on
          recovery in vehicle sales.”                                          both individual  and corporate travel
                                            Ansari  concludes:  “Taiwan’s  general
          Among the top general insurance lines                                policies as people will look to access
                                            insurance industry is poised for consis-
          in  Taiwan, motor insurance was the                                  out-of-state healthcare services. The
                                            tent growth over the next five years,
          largest with a 52.3% share in terms of                               full impact of the ruling is expected to
                                            driven by motor and property lines.
          GWP in 2021. Motor insurance is ex-                                  be realized over the next year. Over-
                                            The growth, however, might get over-
          pected to remain sluggish in 2022 due                                all, the US PA&H insurance market is
                                            shadowed by the economic uncertain-
          to lower vehicle sales caused by sup-                                expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2%
                                            ties due to a potential global recession
          ply chain disruptions arising from the                               over 2021–26.
                                            and geopolitical instabilities.”
          global automobile chip shortage. The
                                                                               Prasanth continues: “Canada accounts
          segment is expected to recover gradu-  Personal  accident  and       for a 1.6% share of the regional PA&H
          ally from 2023 and grow at a CAGR of                                 premiums.  Rising  healthcare  costs
                                            health insurance in North
          4.7% during 2021-26, driven by a re-
                                                                               have created demand for private insur-
          covery in vehicle sales.          America to reach $1.5 tril-
                                                                               ance  to supplement healthcare ser-
          The proposed amendments to impose  lion by 2026                      vices  not  covered  by  public health
          an additional fee for traffic violations                             schemes such as prescription drugs,
                                            The  personal  accident  and  health
          under the compulsory motor third-party                               dental, vision, and hospitalization.”
                                            (PA&H) insurance industry written pre-
          liability (MTPL) is expected to increase
                                            mium sales in North America are pro-  The growing popularity of packaged
          premium rates, which will result in a
                                            jected to  grow  from $1.2 trillion  in  plans covering multiple risks under one
          higher motor insurance premium.
                                            2021 to $1.5 trillion in 2026 at a com-  plan is expected to emerge as a promi-
          Property insurance was the second-  pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of  nent insurance driver. Over 2021–26,
          largest line in Taiwan, accounting for  5.2%, backed by an increase in health  the PA&H insurance market in Canada
          a  18.7%  share  in terms  of  GWP in  insurance  awareness  and  rising  is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.9%.
          2021. Growing demand for residential  healthcare costs, due to the COVID-19
                                                                               Mexico accounted for the remaining
          property  aided by strong economic  pandemic, found GlobalData.
                                                                               1.4% share in the regional market. It
          recovery and low interest rates will
                                            The  leading  data  and  analytics  is  the  fastest  growing  market with
          support the growth of  the property
                                            company’s latest report, 'Personal Ac-  19.3%  growth in 2021  as pandemic-
          insurance. It is forecasted to grow at
                                            cident and Health Insurance Market to  driven insurance awareness helped in-
          a CAGR of 6.2% over 2021-26.
                                            2025’, found that the US is the leading  crease health insurance demand. The
          The government’s continued invest-  and most advanced healthcare market  industry is expected to grow at a CAGR
          ments in large infrastructure projects  globally and accounts for 97% of North  of 8.1% over 2021–26.
                                                                          The Insurance Times, August 2022   19
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