Page 21 - The Insurance Times August 2022
P. 21

energy resources and availability of skilled manpower in the  2021-22 reached 4,29,217 units, a threefold increase
          technology and manufacturing sectors.                  from 1,34,821 units in 2020-21,
                                                              2. Total electric three-wheeler sales last fiscal stood at
          In addition, multiple production-linked incentive schemes
                                                                 1,77,874 units, registering an increase of two-fold over
          intend to create a local manufacturing ecosystem to support
                                                                 88,391 units in the preceding fiscal.
          goals around greater adoption of electric mobility transport.
                                                              3. Electric commercial vehicle sales rose to 2,203 units last
          This  is  sought  to  be  achieved  by  incentivizing  fresh
                                                                 financial year as compared with 400 units in FY21.
          investments into developing indigenous supply chains for key
          technologies, products, and auto components. The Indian
          government had set up the aim of replacing all internal The level of market maturity
          combustion engines with EVs by 2030.                In India, the level of market maturity varies according to
                                                              the state depending on factors, including demographics,
          Market Overview                                     income levels, regulatory landscape, and urbanization. For
                                                              instance, the state of Uttar Pradesh, with one of the lowest
          The Indian Electric Vehicle (EV)  Market is segmented by
                                                              urbanization rates, has seen significant uptake of electric
          Propulsion Type (Battery Electric Vehicle, Plug-in Electric
                                                              two-wheelers. Maharashtra, on the other hand, with a
          Vehicle,  Fuel  Cell  Electric  Vehicle)  and  Vehicle  Type
                                                              higher urbanization rate, has the highest penetration of
          (Passenger Cars, Commercial Vehicles, Two-wheelers, and
                                                              electric three-wheelers and passenger cars. Delhi is home
          Three-wheelers). This electric vehicle market was valued at
                                                              to the largest electric commercial vehicle fleet due to a
          USD 1,434.04 billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach
                                                              higher demand for electric buses and trucks.
          USD 15,397.19 billion by 2027. Total electric vehicle (EV)
          retails reached 4,29,217 units in 2021-22, a rise of three-
                                                              The Indian EV market being in its nascent stages is viewed
          fold from 1,34,821 units in the financial year 2020-21. The
                                                              as an opportunity waiting to be exploited. Other players who
          sale of electric vehicles in the nation increased by nearly
                                                              also have products in the EV market include MG Motors,
          threefold in the previous fiscal year. Two-wheeler dominated
                                                              Maruti Suzuki, Renault, Audi, Volvo, Hero, Ather, etc. An
          the sector. 100 percent foreign direct investment is allowed
                                                              expansion in the EV industry will also see other associated
          in this sector under the automatic route.
                                                              industries catch on too. This includes the battery and EV
                                                              chargers. Interest has been shown by many companies like
          Heavy investments from automakers are expected to cater
                                                              Siemens, Schneider, Delta, etc. But unfortunately, these
          to the growing demand for EVs and play a major role in the
                                                              companies will only move in once a significant demand arises
          evolution of the electric vehicle market. OEMs offer electric
                                                              in the public 4 wheeler segment. On the other hand, one of
          vehicles in different segments ranging from hatchbacks such
                                                              the major factors for the EV industry not expanding has been
          as Nissan Leaf to high-end sedans like Tesla Model 3. See
                                                              consumer concerns regarding the lack of Fast Chargers in
          the data of the previous fiscal:
          1. Two-wheeler dominated the sector. EV retail sales in
                                                                                        Setting  up  EV
                                                                                        Unorganized  and  small
                                                                                        players are dominating due
                                                                                        to  the  limited  scale  of
                                                                                        business.  In  order  to
                                                                                        combat this, the NITI Ayog
                                                                                        is laying a key role in setting
                                                                                        up EV chargers. There are
                                                                                        currently  270  units  of
                                                                                        installed  EV  chargers  in
                                                                                        India.  NITI  Aayog  has
                                                                                        partnered  with  NTPC  in
                                                                                        order to set up 100,000 EV
                                                                                        charging  stations  across

                                                                          The Insurance Times, August 2022   21
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