Page 109 - Operations Strategy
P. 109

                           table 2.6  Firms can use various criteria to ‘focus’ their operations

                                                                 Ideal operations   Ideal market require-
                                               Focus criteria    resource conditions  ments conditions
                            Operations segmenta-  Performance objec-  Products and services   Market segmentation
                            tion based on market   tives Cluster products/  with similar market   is based clearly on cus-
                            criteria           services by market   requirements have   tomer requirements
                                               requirements      similar processing
                                               Product/service speci-  Similar products and   Products and services
                                               fication Limit number   services require similar  are targeted on spe-
                                               of products/services   technologies, skills   cific market segments
                                               in each part of the   and processes
                                               Geography Cluster   The geographic area   Market segmentation
                                               products/services by   where products and   can be based on geo-
                                               the geographic mar-  services are created   graphic regions
                                               ket they serve    has a significant
                                                                 impact on operations
                                               Variety Separately   The nature of tech-  Market segmentation
                                               cluster high-variety   nology, skills and   can be based on the
                                               products/services and   processes is primarily   degree of product/
                                               low-variety products/  determined by the   service choice required
                                               services together  variety with which   by customers
                                                                 products/services are

                                               Volume Separately   The nature of tech-  Market segmentation
                                               cluster high-volume   nology, skills and   can be summarised
                                               products/services and   processes is primar-  as ‘mass markets’ ver-
                                               low-volume products/  ily determined by   sus more ‘specialised
                                               services together  the volume at which   markets’
                                                                 products/services are
                            Operations segmenta-  Process requirements   The process require-  Products and services
                            tion based on resource  Cluster products/  ments (types of   with similar process-
                            criteria           services with similar   technology, skills,   ing requirements are
                                               process requirements   knowledge etc.)   targeted on specific
                                               together          of products/ser-   market segments
                                                                 vices can be clearly

                           ●	 Geographic focus – Sometimes operations can be segmented in terms of the geographic
                              market they serve. This may be because the characteristics of a company’s different
                              market segments are largely defined by their geographic location. Alternatively, it
                              may mean that the nature of the service offered by an operation is geographically
                              limited. Most high-contact operations, such as fast-food restaurants, would fall into
                              this category.

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