Page 237 - Operations Strategy
P. 237

212 CHAPTER 6 • PRoCEss TECHnology sTRATEgy

                               Figure 6.8  new developments in process technology can change the cost–
                               flexibility trade-off

                                                                Low volume               High volume
                                          Process               High variety             Low variety
                                         (technology  Many,
                                        plus humans)  small units        Market requirements
                                                                             Market requirements
                               Technology has high acuity   of
                               is separated and judgement  technology
                                                              High            Cost            Low

                                Coupling  Connectivity  Automation  Analytical content  Scale  Scalability  Flexibility


                               Technology  Process  Few, large
                               is integrated  (technology   units of
                                        plus humans)  technology
                                        has low acuity
                                        and judgement

                              little flexibility. This made them suitable for high-volume, low-variety processes. If
                              process requirements were for high variety but low volume, process technology is
                              likely to consist of smaller separated units with relatively little automation.
                           ●	 Trends in the development of each dimension of process technology, especially those
                              related to their increasing richness in information processing, are overcoming some
                              of the traditional trade-offs within each dimension. In particular, technology with
                              high levels of scalability can give the advantages of flexible, small-scale technology
                              and yet be quickly expanded if demand warranted it. Similarly, even high-volume
                              information processing technology can still display the relatively high analytical
                              content at one time reserved for more manual processes. Finally, technology with
                              high connectivity can integrate processes without the rigidity once associated with
                              high coupling.
                           ●	 Market trends are themselves calling for simultaneously high performance in both
                              cost and flexibility. No longer is it acceptable to suffer high costs if flexibility is
                              demanded by the market, nor operations rigidity if costs need to be kept low. As far as
                              market requirements are concerned, the ideal area in the traditional product–process
                              matrix is one that delivers both low cost and high flexibility.
                           This is why information processing technology has had such an impact in so many
                           industries. In effect it has partially overcome some of the traditional trade-offs in
                           choosing process technology. But note the words ‘partially’ and ‘some’. There are still
                           trade-offs within technology choice, even if they are not as obvious as they were once.

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