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                             operations resources to excel in the things in which the company needs to compete
                             effectively. The expectation on the operations function is to be ‘internally supportive’
                             by providing credible support to operations strategy.

                             Stage 4 – externally supportive
                             At one time, Stage 3 was taken as the limit of the operations function’s contribution.
                             Yet Hayes and Wheelwright capture the emerging sense of the growing importance of
                             operations management by suggesting a further stage – Stage 4. The difference between
                             Stage 3 and Stage 4 is admitted by Hayes and Wheelwright to be subtle, but nevertheless
                             important. A Stage 4 company is one that sees the operations function as providing
                             the foundation for its future competitive success because it is able to deploy unique
                             competencies that provide the company with the performance to compete in future
                             market conditions. In effect, the contribution of the operations function becomes cen-
                             tral to strategy making. Stage 4 operations are creative and proactive. They are likely to
                             organise their resources in ways that are innovative and capable of adaptation as mar-
                             kets change. Essentially, they are expected to be ‘one step ahead’ of competitors – what
                             Hayes and Wheelwright call being ‘externally supportive’.
                               Figure 7.14 brings together the two concepts of role and the contribution of the oper-
                             ations function. Moving from Stage 1 to Stage 2 requires operations to overcome its
                             problems of implementing existing strategies. The move from Stage 2 to Stage 3 requires
                             operations actively to develop its resources so that they are appropriate for long-term
                             strategy. Moving up to Stage 4 requires operations to be driving strategy through its
                             contribution to competitive superiority. Notice also how moving up from Stage 1 to

                            Figure 7.14  The four-stage model of operations contribution

                                                                                           STAGE 4
                                       Redefining                                           Give an
                                         industry                                         operations
                                      expectations     Increasing contribution of operations  STAGE 3   advantage

                                Increasing strategic impact  in the industry  STAGE 2  Supporting  Driving
                                    Clearly the best
                                                                             strategy with
                                       As good as
                                                    STAGE 1
                                       Holding the
                                      organisation  Correct the  Implementing
                                           back     problems
                                                    Internally  Externally    Internally  Externally
                                                    neutral      neutral     supportive   supportive
                                                             Increasing operations capabilities

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