Page 297 - Operations Strategy
P. 297

CHAPTER 8 • PRoduCT And sERviCE dEvEloPmEnT And oRgAnisATion
                    8         Product and service development and


                           The products and services produced by an operation are its ‘public face’ in so much as
                           they are what markets judge a company on: good products and services equals good
                           company. Because of this, it has always made sense to devote time and effort to how
                           new products and services are developed. Moreover, it has long been accepted that there
                           is a connection between how companies go about developing products and services
                           and how successful those products and services are in the marketplace. Now two things
                           have changed: first, both the speed and scale of market and technology changes have
                           increased; second, there is a greater understanding of how closely connected are the
                           processes by which products and services are developed and the outcomes from those
                           processes. Given that product and service development is a core issue for operations
                           strategy, it is appropriate that it is treated here (see Figure 8.1). And, even though it is a
                           subject in its own right, it can still benefit from an operations strategy analysis.

                           Figure 8.1  issues covered in this chapter

                                                              Resource usage

                                                                        Issues include:
                                                                            Relating product and process
                                    Quality                                 Managing product/service
                              Performance objectives  Dependability         Meeting market requirements for  Market competitiveness
                                                                         development as a process
                                                                         new products and services
                                                                         development resources
                                     Cost                                   Managing product/service
                                                                        Development and organisation
                                           Capacity  Supply    Process  (product and service development
                                                     network  technology
                                                                             and organisation)
                                                             Decision areas

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