Page 302 - Operations Strategy
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THE sTRATEgiC imPoRTAnCE oF PRoduCT And sERviCE dEvEloPmEnT  277

                             The strategic importance of product and service development

                             Figure 8.5 illustrates some of the more significant reasons why product and service
                             development is seen as increasingly strategically important. From a market perspective,
                             international competition has become increasingly intense. In many markets there are
                             a number of competitors bunched together in terms of their product and service per-
                             formance. Even small advantages in product and service specifications can have a sig-
                             nificant impact on competitiveness. This has made customers both more sophisticated
                             in exercising their choice and often more demanding in terms of wanting products
                             and services that fit their specific needs. Also, markets are becoming more fragmented.
                             Unless companies choose to follow relatively narrow niche markets, they are faced with
                             developing products and services capable of being adapted in different ways to different
                             markets. If this were not enough, product and service life cycles have become shorter.
                             An obvious way to try to gain advantage over competitors is to introduce updated prod-
                             ucts and services. Competitors respond by doing the same and the situation escalates.
                             While not every industry has such short life cycles as, say, the entertainment or fashion
                             garment industry, the trend, even in industrial markets, is towards more frequent new
                             product and service introductions.
                               A different, but equally important, set of pressures affect the operations resources that
                             have to develop and deliver new products and services. Perhaps most importantly, rapid
                             technology changes have affected most industries. For example, internet-based tech-
                             nologies have introduced startlingly new possibilities (and uncertainties) for almost
                             all products and services in all industries. Partly because of the scale and pace of such
                             technological developments, it has become increasingly obvious that effective product
                             and service development places responsibilities on every part of the business. Market-
                             ing, purchasing, accounting and, operations are all, like it or not, an integral part of
                             any organisation’s ability to develop products and services effectively and efficiently.
                             Every part of the business is now faced with the question, ‘How can we deploy our com-
                             petencies and skills towards developing better or different products and services?’ New

                             Figure 8.5  The increasing strategic importance of product and service development

                                                 Rapid                      Increased
                                 Means of       change                   competitiveness   Shortened
                                capabilities                                               life cycles

                                                            Product and
                                      OPERATIONS              service               MARKET
                                      RESOURCES             development          REQUIREMENTS

                                Involves all                                              Fragmented
                                parts of the                                               markets

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