Page 312 - Operations Strategy
P. 312

PRoduCT And sERviCE dEvEloPmEnT As A PRoCEss  287

                             Figure 8.7  operations strategy analysis for product and service development

                                                               Resource usage

                                Quality –
                                error-free designs
                                that fulfil market
                                Speed –
                                fast development
                                from concept
                               Performance objectives  Dependability –  service development         Market  competitiveness
                                to launch
                                                             Operations strategy
                                designs delivered
                                                              for the product and
                                to schedule
                                Flexibility –
                                designs that
                                include latest ideas
                                Cost –
                                designs produced
                                without consuming
                                excessive cost
                                           Capacity –  Supply network –  Process  Development and
                                           amount of   relationships  technology –  organisation –
                                           development  with outside  provision of  organisation of
                                           resource matched  sources of  design technology  development
                                           to demand   development  (CAD), expert  resources and
                                           over time   knowledge    systems etc.  improvement
                                                               Decision areas

                             happens in reality, can be very different things. Yet three ideas do seem to have found
                             wide acceptance:
                             1  The development process moves through a series of stages, some of which may be
                               missed out and sometimes the process recycles back through stages. Somewhere
                               towards the beginning of the process, there are stages concerned with collecting
                               ideas and generating product and service concepts, and towards the end of the pro-
                               cess there are stages concerned with specifying the detail of the product or service.
                             2  As the development process moves through these stages, the number of alternative
                               design options reduces until one final design remains. The process often includes
                               decision points that screen out options deemed to be unsatisfactory.
                             3  As these possible design options are reduced, there is a move from a state of uncer-
                               tainty regarding the final design to a state of increasing certainty. One consequence
                               of this is that the ability to change the design gets increasingly limited. Making
                               changes at the end of the process can be considerably more expensive than making
                               them at the beginning.
                             Different authors present different stage models that attempt to describe product and
                             service development. These vary in the number and type of stages they include but

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