Page 59 - Operations Strategy
P. 59


                          Figure 1.13  Operations strategy matrix for pret a Manger

                                                           Resource development

                                Quality       Small sites      Partnerships with      Standard      Customer
                                (Product       promote        suppliers to        processes       service training
                              conformance and        teamwork        increase quality        (photos for      Teamwork
                              specification and      On-site        together with        workstation)       incentives and pay
                              service quality)        kitchens for        strict quality
                                                fresh food        standards
                                                                 ***                    ***
                                 Speed        Many small      On-site      Standardised      Training for
                                (Customer        sites at        production        process       fast service
                              throughput time)        convenient        means short        across all
                                                locations        internal supply        stores
                                              Number of       chain
                                               service points
                                                   ***           ***
                               Dependability      Standardised      Quality raw      Standardises
                              (Consistency of       store design        materials        in-store      Pret ‘values and
                               product and                   supplied/        technology       behaviours’
                                service)                    delivered on time                      Market competitiveness
                                                   ***                                   ***
                                Flexibility                Partnership with         Customer
                               (New product                  suppliers to meet       feedback used
                               availability and              varied menu             to inspire
                              range of products)           Supplier                  innovation
                                                             innovation                  ***
                                 Cost         Centrally                             Low sta‚ turnover
                             (Cost of producing        located in
                               products and        densely
                                services)        populated
                                               areas increases
                                               ‘footfall’ volume

                                             Capacity   Supply networks  Process  Development and
                                                                      technology  organisation

                            ***  Critical

                           ‘content’ of operations strategy is concerned with the organisational structure and
                           responsibility relationships within the operations function. Yet, these issues have a
                           direct impact on the ‘process’ of how the organisation formulates its own operations
                           strategies. Nevertheless, despite the overlap, it is conventional to treat content and pro-
                           cess separately.
                             To a large extent we shall leave the discussion of ‘process’ until Chapters 9 and 10. But
                           it is worth making two points at this stage. The first is that the practical reality of put-
                           ting operations strategies together and making them happen in practice is extremely
                           complex (and a subject in its own right). As Dr Andrew MacLennan, a leading expert
                           in strategy implementation, says: ‘The challenge of implementing strategy successfully is

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