Page 75 - Operations Strategy
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                           the operation’s activities – the company must minimise vehicle pollution, minimise
                           wastage of materials or energy, ensure that its operations do not disrupt the life and
                           well-being of those who live nearby and so on. But although each of these groups, to
                           different extents, will be interested in operations performance, they are likely to have
                           very different views of which aspect of performance is important. Table 2.1 identifies
                           typical stakeholder requirements. But stakeholder relationships are not just one-way. It
                           is also useful to consider what an individual organisation or business wants of the stake-
                           holder groups themselves. Some of these requirements are also illustrated in Table 2.1.

               table 2.1  typical stakeholders’ performance objectives
                                          What stakeholders want from the   What the operation wants from
               Stakeholder                operation                     stakeholders
               Shareholders               Return on investment (ROI)    Investment capital
                                          Stability of earnings         Long-term commitment
                                          Liquidity of investment

               Directors/top management   Low/acceptable operating costs  Coherent, consistent, clear and achiev-
                                          Secure revenue                 able strategies
                                          Well-targeted investment      Appropriate investment
                                          Low risk of failure
                                          Future innovation
               Staff                      Fair wages                    Attendance
                                          Good working conditions       Diligence/best efforts
                                          Safe work environment         Honesty
                                          Personal and career development  Engagement
               Staff representative bodies    Conformance with national   Understanding
                 (e.g. trade unions)       agreements                   Fairness
                                          Consultation                  Assistance in problem solving
               Suppliers (of materials, services,   Early notice of requirements  Integrity of delivery, quality and
                 equipment etc.)          Long-term orders               volume
                                          Fair price                    Innovation
                                          On-time payment               Responsiveness
                                                                        Progressive price reductions
               Regulators (e.g. financial   Conformance to regulations  Consistency of regulation
                 regulators)              Feedback on effectiveness of   Consistency of application of
                                           regulations                   regulations
                                                                        Responsiveness to industry concerns
               Government (local, national and  Conformance to legal requirements  Low/simple taxation
                 regional)                Contribution to (local/national/  Representation of local concerns
                                           regional) economy            Appropriate infrastructure
               Lobby groups (e.g. environmen-  Alignment of the organisation’s activi-  No unfair targeting
                 tal lobby groups)         ties with whatever the group are   Practical help in achieving aims (if the
                                           promoting                     organisation wants to achieve them)
               Society                    Minimise negative effects from the   Support for organisation’s plans
                                           operation (noise, traffic etc.) and
                                           maximise positive effects (jobs, local
                                           sponsorship etc.)

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