Page 15 - Lapbook_OrsolyaFarkas2
P. 15
Will America Be Great Again?
The U.S. now is hoping for a better future
if Biden takes over Trump’s tyranny. As
it was known that dark times are coming
to America if Trump gets elected in
2016, and it happened. The big changes
that he promised were only seen in
racism, abuse, and failure. The number
of immigrants, during Trump’s
presidency, were still growing, but only
slower. His immigration policy just
strengthened the right wing and with that
all the racists and abusers. America is
not free, but a place where you have to
be afraid and prepared to get deported
anytime for small reasons if you are from
another ethnicity. It is impossible to
reflect on this topic in this short
paragraph, because that many social,
cultural, political issues arose during
Trump’s presidency that it is hard to
describe. The question that all
Americans are asking now: ‘Will Biden
be the cure for Trump’s idiocy?’
I am hearing from many Non-
Europeans that it is harder and harder
to immigrate to Europe, to get a visa.
For some reason we are not
developing in this topic. The
application time is longer, people
from the Third Countries are coming
alone to Europe to study or to work,
because they cannot bring their
families with them most of the time.
Now in the Coronavirus situation e.g.
Third Country people cannot enter
Estonia even if they have already a
place to work or a visa. Also,
residence permit restrictions are
becoming accepted by the Estonian
government to protect ‘Estonians
losing their jobs’ because of
immigrants. I think Trump started a
worldwide racism, making people
believe that it can be done.