Page 12 - Renshaw, M&T - review report - Febr21
P. 12
Portfolio construction
Portfolio construction is the process of
blending various asset classes and
investments to produce a portfolio that will
achieve your long-term investment goals
based on your predetermined risk profile,
and is the final step in the process.
The aim is to build a strong, sound
investment portfolio that will:
ꟷ perform consistently,
ꟷ deliver superior returns in most market
conditions; and
ꟷ be competitive relative to market
Constructing an investment portfolio ꟷ What does the rest of the portfolio look
involves choosing which assets to invest in like?
(asset allocation) and which investment ꟷ What is the outcome of a backward-
managers or listed securities to invest in looking analysis post the product’s
(investment manager and security addition?
selection). ꟷ What is the expected outcome (scenario
It does not follow a regimented process, testing) on a forward- looking basis post
but the questions below are some of those the product’s addition?
we ask ourselves before providing the final
recommendation and implementing it.
ꟷ What allocation will the fund receive?
ꟷ What will drive this?
ꟷ Does the fund fit into the existing
ꟷ Where the portfolio is new, can
exposure be built around the strategy in
ꟷ Are the incumbent or proposed products
ꟷ Is there duplication of styles /
ꟷ If a more active approach to asset
allocation is used, for example dynamic
asset allocation (DAA), then what is the
manager’s “half-life”?
ꟷ Is the product in question effective in
executing the DAA decision?